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The Grim Articles Show: Jesus Gets A Cinematic Universe & Resident Evil News!

Published on 24 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics


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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Yeah, never really got into Resident Evil and Dead Island.. I liked the concept of them. I might buy them on Steam... buying Sonic games right now... I barely played the first Far Cry games.

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Toki 5 months ago

Well the first 3 games are free abandonware right now. Look for Biorand v3.2.5 and add v3.2.7 for the latest upgrades. It's all free mods. The package has the first 3 games classic or HD mod upgrade option. You can play the games normally without the randomizer, or mod it how you want with an easy program. So many options. So you will see Lady D and her daughters in the first 3 games for example. Claire has about 4 or 5 versions from different games. They ripped the dialogue out of other games.

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Toki 5 months ago

That's an old build v3.1.2. There's more content than the image shows. The image shows RE2 and you can see how it has music from RE5, etc. NPCs, enemy replacers so it has Code V Tyrant. Item randomizer. The cutscenes use the random characters and it's chaotic comedy. Leon is the male in RE2 and notice how Barry is replacing him. Claire becomes a random choice. But again you can the game with the HD mods and I would grab it now before Capcom shuts these modders down. Just search Biorand site and download a package. Then add v3.2.7 which is on Github. A little bit of file folder work adding v3.2.7, but it's easy if you are a true PC gamer. Start with the basic non-randomized games first or you will be so lost. I don't use door randomizer because it's a mindfuck. These games are funner than they look. Because they are a rare type of gameplay with the camera and controls. I have yet to even touch RE3. RE2 the classic version is likely the best one of the entire series. Controller-friendly games. The Biorand package is all fixed up for whatever Windows you have and everything. If you need any help ask. I also recommend RE Outbreak on PS2 emulator. Sort of HD now with the emulation.

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Toki 5 months ago

RE4 is good but that's where the series becomes a third-person shooter. Most of those games are good also. I would say RE5 is quite fun for what it is as a game. RE6 looks boring, but has some of the best sexy fanservice. RE7 is weird because it could any horror game but not really anything from Resident Evil. RE8 is the same in this regard but has the 4 monstergirls who are great. RE7 is more indie game survival. RE8 is more action-packed with ammo and everything. There is also RE Revelations. I played and liked Revelations 1, but my widescreen FoV mod broke so I gave up on the game. It has a horrible NES Switch default FoV. It was beautiful when I had the widescreen mod. Sexy fanservice in this one for sure. Revelations 2 I don't know much about. There's also two House of the Dead type games but those are just silly and fun to watch on YT instead - Only if you know and like the series though. Then there's total garbage RE games I won't even name. They are mobile games so yeah.. I watched them on YT someone using emulation. Comedy at least because they are so bad. These games are newer so yeah Capcom sucks now. I wish Grim luck for a good remake, but wokeness and everything. I swear Capcom games are not being made in Japan anymore. The problem is Code Veronica is not a live service so no hot characters for us the men like Monser Hunter has.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Yeah, it is a decline now... they taking out H scenes and anime titties... and they trying to block via credit cards... We need a system say like Google Play where you can buy a gift card with cash and then log in and redeem yhat "cash" without the credit card. Fuck the credit cats companies.

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Toki 5 months ago

So is that Code Veronica 3D shooter version within one of the remakes? I'm guessing it's a mod in RE2 remake? Is Claire hot in the mod? I think she looks weird in the official remake. Has that hollywood actress botox face now. They made Jill even worse in RE3 remake.
I'm guessing Capcom will not redo Code Veronica because of the crossdressing as the main reason.
I prefer the old controls and gameplay of RE anyways. It's different than just more shooter games.
The best feature of the 3D shooter RE series is thiccness. Sheva was hot. Revelations 1 characters are hot. RE8 brought 4 monstergirls great characters. But now it's getting weird with Capcom. Going for the gender neutral face female characters. Censoring Ada's dress in RE4 remake. Ashley looks 40 years old in the face.
My favorite RE is Outbreak on PS2 emulator. So many characters, melee is viable, short and sweet scenarios. It's also tough. AI personality is truly one of the most impressive I've even seen for the 8 main characters. They have almost realistic personalities and behavior compared to the usual puppy dog NPC who follows you at exactly this distance at all times. Plus the random Ad Lib audio responses are hilarious. There's an online community using private servers for co-op.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

They're working on CV right now. That's been officially confirmed. We even know what teams within Capcom are working on it. Also, that wasn't a mod, it was an in-dev fan remake of CV from a team in Brazil. Capcom C&Ded their project to remake it themselves, so now all hope is on Capcom.

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Toki 5 months ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Hope with today's Capcom lol. Can't wait to see Claire's new Bruce Jenner jawline I guess? Alfred with get a Pride Flag button? But wait he's the villain so maybe Claire and Steve will be the villains now? Did you see those new Street Fighter female characters? One big masculine Mam and an African woman who isn't sexy like Menat. I have no hope for Capcom. They will def get rid of Claire's midriff in Code Veronica.

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Toki 5 months ago

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Yeah that sucks because based Brazilians would have given us a super sexy Claire. What's the point of 3D shooter RE and modern graphics if they ruin the female characters?

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@Toki: The point is to upset you and ruin your favorite IPs.

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Toki 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: I haven't even played Code Veronica. But I love the characters randomly showing up in Biorand. Also has Code Veronica music for the randomizer options.

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Toki 5 months ago

I watched some RE Darkside Chronicles recently and Claire was at her best concerning hotness. I have Biorand so Claire from Code Veronica shows up in my RE2 runs. The plant lady replaces the tyrant. Steve shows up also. A normal version and a Birkin type version as an enemy. So does both versions of the Brit crossdresser. Always going on about his base. Alexia is simply hilarious in the random dialogue.

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