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The Grim Rants Show Special: Goodbye 2023!

Published on 30 Dec 2023 / In Gaming

Game: Mushroom Kingdom Fusion ( Remember that 8.75 is now available!

Not very long, we just talked about some of the good things that have come out this year and some of the good things to look out for next year. The game list is a little long, so feel free to skip it. Also, yes Empress wants to come back in a limited role. We discuss that at the end.

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winter 1 year ago

Looking forward to Empress occasionally coming back. I very much value that your show is largely a male-only show as it generally saves the listener from hearing that auditory river of irrationality, but when you had her on before, it helped to remind me and to appreciate even more why I went mgtow and got a doll.

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Thank you and have a great new year Godbless and Godspeed \G/

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