I spend my time now doing work for charity rather than wasting money on women. That charity is for the neglected, shamed and invisible. The invisible part is now deliberate, the charity case is "ME". Got money, got time, got peace of mind, got MYSELF, I've accepted MYSELF so being ALONE is not being LONELY, unlike the HIVE MINDED fefail's thyat cant survive alone, yes one or two can but I bet they still use MEN, because they are independent and don't NEEd MEN of course! I've now taken the stance that the human race is FUCKED. women and psychopath's are FUCKING it up. As a Whiute MALE with a brain and independence I refuse to contribute to my own or anyone elses downfall anymore. I live a day at a time and keep one eye and ear on the future. Other than that I do WTF I like when I like. The more they push the harder I pusdh bhack with logic and rationale not anger.
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Protect yourselves, Gentlemen.
Give them NOTHING.
Let them suffer and struggle, like a man, for the rest of their miserable lives, for all I care.
Worth reposting at regular intervals.