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The Heroic Path vs. the Path to Nowhere (Jeffrey Nyquist)

Published on 27 Jan 2025 / In Other
The Heroic Path vs. the Path to Nowhere
His life … is a piece of the everlasting heart of Nature herself: all men’s life is, – but [the] weak [who are] many know not the fact, and are untrue to it, in most times; the strong few are strong, heroic, perennial, because it cannot be hidden from them.
Thomas Carlyle
The hero is concerned with seeing. The villain is merely concerned with the manipulation of appearances. What an accomplishment it is, indeed, to see behind the foliage of “appearances.” Truth has its camouflage, its bodyguard of lies (if Churchill’s paradox is admitted). Truth is also a moving target, and a living thing, said Plato; never wholly captured by men even in animated discourse. On the other hand, a lie needs no discourse at all; for repetition is not discourse. Being easier than truth, a lie prevails with those who want everything to be easy. This is why modernity prefers “experts.” As Socrates once said of experts, “They will appear to be omniscient and will generally know nothing; they will be tiresome, having the reputation of knowledge without the reality.”[i]
The German idealist-turned-political realist Johann Gottlieb Fichte once delivered a lecture on the scholarly search for truth. In accordance with his Transcendental Philosophy, Fichte declared that everything about the “solid” world of perceived things is misleading. Scholars still argue over Fichte’s meaning; but if we consider the problem of “Truth” for a moment, we discover how very thorny it is. After all, once we consult our need, our sense of loss or entitlement – or how unfair the world is – we lose sight of the truth altogether. Our self-pity, our cowardice, our want of backbone, indeed, transforms us and deforms us. What becomes of “seeing,” then? To look with a needy eye is not seeing. To look with a power-hungry eye is to reduce everyone to prey and everything to cynicism. To see the truth requires faith, acceptance, grace, and humility. The truth, then, is very far from us.
Where might we find the truth, then?
If we stopped and listened, we might hear the voice of God in the wind passing through the trees. And then, if we are faithful, we might distill a little truth from the sound. It is much easier to apply to that inverted world Thomas Carlyle warned us about; that is, a world ruled by small men – in fact, the smallest men the world has ever seen, encumbered by small ideas, mean ideas, false ideas. Welcome to the world of bureaucratic socialism, the managed economy, and the one-party state. Here is a land sunk as Atlantis was sunk, but not under water. Instead, it is a land drowning in lies. Oh yes, to those with a tin ear it all sounds wonderful. Everyone will be equal under socialism. Poverty and war will be eliminated under socialism. And yet, the GREAT socialists included Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot – the greatest mass murderers of history. How do we explain it? Shall we make excuses for them? Shall we say that socialism had nothing to do with their crimes?
Where are today’s small ideas, mean ideas, false ideas taking us? To the Devil. Always to the Devil. – without turning around or stopping. Straight to the Devil. All our “instincts” now boil down to a self-destructive impulse – as if we cannot help ourselves. Think, for a moment, about the pandemic. It is the surface phenomenon beneath which the discarded TRUTH peaks out from a landscape that is soon to be moonscape. It is not safe for THE TRUTH to emerge at present. The rotter, the panderer, the climber, the false men are now in charge. These are to the right of us, to the left of us, in front of us, and behind us. We live in the Valley of the Shadow of Evil Imbeciles. What is the name of that Marine Corps general, that Army and Air Force colonel, who threaten their troops to take the jab? My plan would be to name and shame them. First, on this small website, then on larger websites, and finally with their faces plastered on billboards and looking out through bars. Oh yes, in the days ahead, in our endless November of criminals, there will be an accounting. There will be a sifting and weighing. The Nuremburg Code will be applied to those who have illegally forced worthless vaccines on people who could not quit their jobs. Either the law is revived and a day of reckoning comes or we are finished.
Everyone knows that President Pant-Load has already outlived his shelf-life. With the fiasco in Afghanistan and the vaccine mandates, he represents Nietzsche’s Last Man in the role of Last President. After him comes the Last Woman, that socialist ogress who waits her inevitable turn. Then comes feminism’s Waterloo. Oh, the ambition of it! Nothing could be more obvious: Harris is doomed. She is not yet president, but already she is the most hated prospective president in history. Meanwhile, the Party of break-the-bank pandering is less and less solvent, more and more ridiculous, with each passing week. If next year’s election is dishonestly played, or if the public wittingly marches into socialism, make your peace with God. Mars will begin his reign.
The American Establishment is much like the European Establishment: a hierarchy of imposters and unwitting suicides. As they kill their country, they kill themselves. They know only one thing. Pretense. To bring it all down to one issue: The Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier has said that it is an historic blunder to vaccinate during a pandemic. He said, “It’s an enormous mistake, isn’t it? A scientific error as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake.”[ii] He said that the vaccination program, which certainly includes government mandated vaccinations, is “unthinkable” because it is killing people. “The new variants,” he said, “result from the vaccination. You see it in each country … in every country deaths follow vaccination.” Here is a golden nugget of truth from an actual scientist. The pandemic will continue, the world economy will crumble. Wars, civil wars, world wars, etc. Should we say that Luc Montagnier is an ignoramus? No. He is not. But the Establishment ignores him, marginalizes him, etc. What is signified by this? The suicide of the elites. As for science itself — what is science, then, if political frauds can marginalize a Nobel Laureate? And if the Nobel laureate is a fraud, then official science is a fraud. But paradox of paradoxes, if the Nobel laureate is telling the truth, official science is still a fraud. That is the long and short of it!
Meanwhile the Chinese and Russians are gathering their forces. They are rubbing their hands in anticipation. The West is falling apart. The American idiots are even using vaccine mandates to drive their best pilots out of the Air Force. They are recasting their military as an organization of men who will follow any order, however illegal. If soldiers will stick poison in their own veins, they will commit any atrocity. Watch. The fake heroes of the Joint Chiefs now congratulate themselves. They are giving U.S. military personnel a toxic spike protein intravenously. Such an experiment has never been tried in all history. But here we are. Blood clotting maybe? Organ damage? How dangerous? Nobody really knows. The generals, of course, are congratulating themselves. Which one has stood up for the troops? Is there one leader among them? To obey and facilitate the poisoning of their own troops is a special distinction. Shall we give them a medal? What to call such a medal? The Spineless Blackguard with Poison Oak Clusters?
The biographer of Marx, Lenin and Hitler – Robert Payne – was also the biographer of that architect of “Retreat from Victory,” General George C. Marshall. Aside from saying many stupid things about Marshall, Payne had one insightful passage: “If the modern general is almost superhuman, he is also – far more often than he suspects – less than human. The historian concerned with the career of Marshall inevitably finds himself reading the autobiographies of the lesser generals. They are not always pleasant reading.”
We can see that nothing has changed in this regard since World War II. Payne added, “General Bradley boasted frankly of his successes, but he had little to say about the disaster in the Ardennes which resulted in fifty-nine thousand American casualties, a disaster which was due to his own failure in tactics.” Modern Americans tend to think poorly of the Carthaginians for crucifying their bad generals. Americans should probably reconsider. One might ask where all our Great Men have gone. When was the last time we had a truly Great Man to lead us? Would we even recognize a Great Man today? It is worthwhile, in this context, to quote Carlyle’s poignant summation: “But of a Great Man especially, of him I will venture to assert that it is incredible he should have been other than true. It seems to me the primary foundation of him….” Carlyle further argued that the Great Man is “what I call a sincere man. I should say sincerity, a deep, great, genuine sincerity, is the first characteristic of all men in any way heroic.” Carlyle added that the Great Man “cannot help being sincere! The great Fact of Existence is great to him. Fly as he will, he cannot get out of the awful presence of this Reality. His mind is so made … first of all. Fearful and wonderful, real as Life, real as Death, is this Universe to him. Though all men should forget its truth, and walk in a vain show, he cannot.”
Nobody who reads Carlyle will ever think of Mark Milly or Lloyd Austin as sincere or true. These men are on a path to nowhere because there is no truth in them. As Carlyle said, “In every kind there is genuine and spurious.” Biden is spurious, Austin is spurious, Milly is spurious. Most of our leaders, in fact, are spurious. Carlyle tells us the inspired is, “in fact, the highest.” People like Biden and Austin and Milly, who support political correctness, are among the lowest of the low. They are men of dry straw, lacking what Carlyle defined as “originality,” “sincerity,” “genius,” etc. The true hero “is he who lives in the inward sphere of things, in the True, Divine and Eternal, which exists always, unseen to most….”[iii]
[i] Plato, Phaedrus.
[ii] Mass vaccination during pandemic a historic blunder: Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier (
[iii] Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History (Kindle).

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