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The Holocaust Lie - Historical Fact Vs Fiction by David Irving ( Very Revealing - Worth Watching )

Published on 25 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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RedKnight 4 months ago

this was in my city, i was 7 in 1995 LOL XD

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sbseed 4 months ago

MOSTLY correct, some stuff is completely wrong.... excellent video though.

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List them - what is correct, and what is not.

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sbseed 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: he is wrong about them being slave work camps, specially for the jews... the jews really did not do much actual work, they also where given everything they asked for... he was also wrong about some of the stuff about hitler, and churchill... churchill was a jew stooge from the beginning feeding lies and propaganda about the germans etc. because how dare hitler fight back against the jew degeneracy... or at least the citizens of germany at the time, when they where defeated they cucked out and went along with the whole lie...

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sbseed 4 months ago

i am not sure about hitler being financed by the jews, but i know for certain that many of his councilors where jews and where being financed by jews... he was right about jews hating the jews and not excepting jews and all of jewery being subject to their own spreading of chaos...

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sbseed 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: he was right about the "death camps" not a trace of actually death chambers and killing rooms, the entire area has been combed over and over again for the 'gas chambers' without a trace, the area was combed over a few times for the supposed thousands and millions that where killed in them.... not only do the numbers tell the truth of the lie but also the logistics in dealing with that many bodies or the amount of ash that would be left over, they did not have the space for any of it, also there would be a literal mountain of ash if even a fraction of the supposed gassing's and cremations had taken place.... not to mention the most glaring evidence to even the most casual of interest in facts, that there where not even 6 million jews on the planet at the time let alone anywhere near germany... in and around germany maybe around 600k, the only jews that died during the entire war where from dying naturally or towards the end of the war.... never mind the 15 million or so of the 'allies' that died in the fighting and in the camps....

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sbseed 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: by their own original testimony (the jews that where held in those camps) the interviews where later changed and edited because it did not fit the jew narrative and lies...

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sbseed 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: lastly, you can trust what the german officers said more than you can the russian or allies so called 'accounts of events'... also there is a REAL holocaust, it is a ritual performed by the jews on white children, included 'death by a thousand cuts' and worse...

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@sbseed: I put up a video - Banking With Hitler - before Youtube deleted it.... it's up here.

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@sbseed: Thanks for all the input and observations.

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