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Published on 26 Mar 2021 / In Travel & Events

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣One of my best videos, make sure you don't miss it !
? PART 1 : ⁣https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ss6I8Y
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Doggk 4 years ago  

⁣⁣⁣⁣▶ PART 1 : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ss6I8Y

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

This has nothing to do with current laws, even in times where men could beat their women, (17th-19th) century, you got the notion of "hen-picked", so this is not because of current laws they dont fight back, these men are a genetic mistake, DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR THESE MEN TO NOT BE DEFENDED BY THE RULE OF LAW, VIOLANCE IS UNACCEPTABLE IN ALL ITS FORMS

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

I checked one of my ex friends manginas (he was a disgusting spineless wimp..not beaten by his wife though) from the netherlands.. i found out his son comitted suicide....these men fuck up their kids in many ways... not sure what the solution is. These ppl shouldnt have kids... they are family and nationwreckers.

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havok545 4 years ago

it's NOT the men it's the WOMEN the data is in ALL single mothers make are criminals (including rapists and killers) and whores

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@havok545: The dude is 60 yo and was married since 23, Me and his sone were good friends, but his dad was a weak piece of wet dogshit trying to immasculate his son aswell, now his genes gone the way of the dodo bird

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@havok545: wtf are you talking about? is your brain on cocaine? you just inject random shit into my topic? are you a women thinking with a vagina or is your cpu processor needing an upgrade?

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Havok545 has been respectful and polite to you so be respectful to him dude..

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@Doggk: ok, i admit that "are you a women thinking with a vagina" is a grave insult. that was way out of line, if if a mans brain has a problem with context, its nowhere near as chaotic as a wamanz

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havok545 4 years ago

I'm 6 foot I do mma and I lift but I carry mace for these bitches. Worked for a friend of mine who is way bigger than me. Cops took the bitch in for attacking him in public he told them...
"What do you want me to do punch her?"
He's 6'4" and a bodybuilder. I'll make sure a cunt gargles with mace before anything like that happens to me.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

We dont have deluth model.. if women hits man. She gets criminal record.

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BIGLOAD 4 years ago

I believe it is imperative to disengage from these waste dumps.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

I respectfully call this bull)),? these men are a liability to the nation (back in the Netherlands, I knew of 3 such men) will submit to the illiterate muslim migrant goatfarmer, and sell out the nation, because "weakness is a virtue". Men like this are half-way wanting a dominatrix or sado-masochistic, and are bi-sexual, these are men with a female brain, just like Ann Coulter (or Margret Thatcher) is a women with a masculine brain. There will always "female brain" weak men. Good or bad has nothing to do with it, Natures evolution is a random generator, (just trying variation and see what happens), not everything is supposed to survive,.. , now we are sentient beings so maybe we can push evolution in a certain direction with artificial womb and gene editing. Yeah and turn women into Thailexu tanks

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