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The Inlaws Vs. The Leopard = They are US. = We Are Men.

Published on 19 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Damn... they showed that pussy who's boss...Shouldn't that be us in the US with our "predatory" pedo politicians....?

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Councilof1 9 months ago

Strength in numbers.

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These are Olive Baboons... Have you seen their teeth? https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2b/f....a/8e/2bfa8edc21629f2

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Men are fucking awesome.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: you sure it ain't the vampire prototype? Damn, with fangs like that? Lemme guess, it's for the catelope?

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@WMHarrison94: Yeah biting down on her snatch.......

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@WMHarrison94: Posting that picture was more to do with having seen documentaries on Baboons, and how they operate and unless people are informed as to how dangerous they are to fuck with, they tend to think of them as "Awwwwww they is so cuuuuute!" when in fact they are very strong and they have these giant fucking teeth and mouths that open very wide... and depending - because when bees attack elephants, they go for the elephants eyes.... Because they know.... Well I am assuming that baboons know where to go for the kill bites, and if they cant get those in, then there are the very deep bites, that can probably get bad to fatal infections started.... Well that cheetah did't get up and run because it was getting stomped by the monkeys, it was getting bitten multiple times - all over the place - by the baboons... and they are serious bites.... AND if you notice at the start of the attack, the FIRST baboon, if you can down load it and run it through VLC media player, and go almost on a frame by frame basis, when baboon number one throws himself at the charging cheetah and he goes in for a neck bite... and then the rest move in and bite the cheetah all over.. and most of their fangs I guess are 40 or 50 mm long... This is the benefit of watching documentaries... They can be very educational... So I am relaying onto other people, what was relayed onto me.

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