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The Invaders

Published on 25 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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mrghoster 10 months ago

MEN truly have seen the LIGHT, and it ain't the light Deluded femons think shines out their asses! lol!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

Femons have always been the real arrogant ones, they are breeders and will never be anything else

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mrghoster 10 months ago

MANSPLAINING was one of the femon's better invention's because I don't bother even attempting it anymore and save my time for better logical stuff, with the bonus that you set to see femons FAIL in real time! lol! Femons seem to assume they have value still when they have non. MEN are gone, Walked, yet the femon still thinks we want them? "WE DON'T NEED THEM ANYMORE" They pusshed us away and by doing that allowed MEN better themselves. And as they relentlessly continue pushing us away moan they cant find a MAN to provide for them and them Blame us for THAT as well. Nope femon's are gone from my life they don't even feature in it except to laugh at! "Me NOT speaky femon", "Me Not helpy femon", they are a primitive foreign tyhing that I no longer recognise as worthy of MEN's attention.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

They are just so annoying

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sauger1001 10 months ago

My mother (she learned from her mother, my grandmother) seemed to like arguing, er having discussions with my father. He had a "Sean Connery" backhand if she went too far, so she continued to push his buttons further... and further; almost as if she deliberately expected him to "check her" (Tupac), which he did. I took a different approach, and simply ignored her. That seemed to have a more impactful effect, so when one of my younger sisters became a "non Catholic", my mother turned her feigned annoyance on her. Later, I also became a "non Catholic", but she would still well wish me after any one of the non Biblical holidays (ie Merry Xmas with the trees and reindeer, Happy Ishtar, with the rabbits and eggs, etc). Initially I'd tell her I no longer kept those holidays, but she kept on. Sooo, eventually I just ignored her, until she FINALLY realized I wasn't accepting her disrespect of my beliefs, and after 14yrs, she finally stopped.
Men need to STOP trying to appease these femons (SoloMan), grow a spine, and simply LEAD them. If they don't listen, no matter how attractive they are: #Walkaway.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 10 months ago

You mean men should be Men. and femons are moaners and naggers and men should just tell them to shut the hell up

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sauger1001 10 months ago

1:15. Back then, I think it was called "Political Correctness"(?).

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Calling All Stations
Calling All Stations 10 months ago

Can't blame the aliens for wanting the Galaxie 500. A real beast of a car.

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