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The Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare Full Audiobook

Published on 05 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

For generations of Americans, our country has been the world's dominant military power. How the US military fights, and the systems and weapons that it fights with, have been uncontested. That old reality, however, is rapidly deteriorating. America's traditional sources of power are eroding amid the emergence of new technologies and the growing military threat posed by rivals such as China. America is at grave risk of losing a future war.

As Christian Brose reveals in this urgent wake-up call, the future will be defined by artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and other emerging technologies that are revolutionizing global industries and are now poised to overturn the model of American defense. This fascinating, if disturbing, book confronts the existential risks on the horizon, charting a way for America's military to adapt and succeed with new thinking as well as new technology. America must build a battle network of systems that enables people to rapidly understand threats, make decisions, and take military actions, the process known as "the kill chain." Examining threats from China, Russia, and elsewhere, The Kill Chain offers hope and, ultimately, insights on how America can apply advanced technologies to prevent war, deter aggression, and maintain peace.

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Longshanks 4 years ago

Also the woke combat desegregated and gay US military *needs* to get it's ass handed to them. Literally and figuratively.

The American political class is aligned with China and the "World" (whatever the fuck that means) and are awaiting the conclusion of the hostilities so China and the UN can share the spoils from the carcass of the USA with them.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

Why are all these retards in the government so fixed on killing people? Russia, US, and china all have shit birthrates. They all three have failed severely. I'm not sure why they will need drones, womens empowerment is the best weapon they designed. this guy is a delusional RINO. It says online he lives in dc and consorted with Mccain, Condeleza, and Colin powell? I mean gimme a break, look at the track record of what these guys did. They come up with great fantastical ideas on paper but in real life all of these people have make great strides in just fucking the world up.

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Longshanks 4 years ago

The author of this book was a collaborator with the deceased traitor known as John Mccain. Enough said.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

thank you very much for pointing this out, i almost saved it to my watch later. This guy shouldn't be trusted at all, book might as well be a sci-fi novel.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

senior policy adviser, but who was worse was...... give you a clue Rumsfeld but people who run this country were never elected why the fbi cannot get past the doors to the pentagon.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

yep, it's these same power players who built china off the theft of America.. took our manufacture over there and taught them everything we spent a couple hundred years developing.. fcuk mccain and all the other liars.. first glance this guy wants to make a buck off a book.. wheew look at me Ima patriot.. while they golf and fly around doing nothing but steal from us/.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

Look up if you wish escaped scientist from NK to Norway.... western society is a lot like that pre school chair game keep taking the chairs away and the kids run to get the seats. My long interpretation of who will be sitting when the music stops.

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TelepathicRapist 4 years ago

thank you jim for pointing out this RINO dirtbag was in bed with mccain. I looked him up a bit and found that this book is not worth listening. I won't listen to some armchair soldier go on about deluded ramblings about using drones to kill people. Soon they will be begging people to have kids instead of trying to kill them. IF the idiot had a mind he would spend his time trying to figure out how to increase the birthrate.

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