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Published on 28 Mar 2021 / In News & Politics

ground zero

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KEEPER 4 years ago  

we are being bloodlet through politics and shut downs and if your business gets shut down due to lockdowns, you are told it's for the greater good. it's for the greater good that they shut you down into homelessness to the point where you have no choice but to steal or kill for your own survival, it will eventually hit this threshold to when more crime and more death will ensue due to these circumstances.

i mean if you really think about it, when everyone is homeless, how are you going to prevent the spread by lockdowns that purge everyone into homelessness?

the logic on the elites or democrats is meaningless if you end up dieing anyway from not being able to provide for yourself or your family and end up being homeless and are effected by other sicknesses from being homeless.

the women who calls into his show doesn't see this point, and i doubt she ever will, women are known for listening and believing in the bullshit, and here we are now allowing it to end us all.
the vaccines are just plan B in the helping of reducing the population.

a lot of death will follow and has since this thing started.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

to the elites, the population is the sickness to be purged. not the other way around.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

rolling down the window in 33 below tempts while riding in an Uber is stupid and i agree this won't help avoid possible issues with covid. here we are still worrying about an virus that has only shown to kill the elderly or those who have massive health issues.

99% of the major population are immune to covid why are we worrying about the 1% over the majority population? it makes no sense to shut down the majority population for an sickness that only effects the 1% of the global population.

same mentality for the vaccines, the experiential vaccines that you can't sue the companies that created them because they are under the experiential listing. and yet every company and every institution is trying to require you get the jab in order to come back to work.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

the idea of bloodletting was to purge the sickness, and though they had the wrong idea, a form of this is still used till this day, they were just slightly off on knowing how to dilute the sickness.

have you ever been told to exercise when you are sick?

well the point of this is basically sweatletting, it still purges the sickness from the body just a little faster, and it's much less likely to kill you.

you still have to drink plenty of water and rest, but the basic idea is to speed up the purging process of the sickness.

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