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The Madness of King Charles - Psychological Profile

Published on 03 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

Made before he became King, this documentary takes a look at Price/King Charles 3rd. Personally I think the guy isd useless, a fucking joke, bhead of the Church of england but dabbles in Islam. The other 2 predisessors of the same name lost their heads via an AXE, Charle;s the Third has already lost his head by trial by Media! lol! even before he was crowned. Hear very little from him other than he seems rto like sucking up to the TEET oid the WEF. He's a fucking traitor as far as Im concerned to the Bruitish people. I CAN offer a tiny bit of Sympathy to his Childhood and schooling, I suffered similar things but I have never had taxpayers money to biuld a Toy Town village full of TOFF'S or taxpayers money to build a Temple at his home or WTF it was? don'tlike him, never liked the Royal hangers on anyway and he is a TRAITOR to us ALL.

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That was then and now he is trash.

So Basically Mommy and daddy neglected him as a child and didn't hug him enough because of their schedules and that's what made him turned into a scumbag. Go figure no wonder.

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Charlie Farlie BA.

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