The madness of veganism. The class struggle between Humans and Animals.
Published on 23 Sep 2020 / In
Film & Animation
A loucura do veganismo. A luta de classes entre Humanos e Animais.
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I have a bad feeling about people and branding irons.....
Just like I have a bad feeling about people into sadistic / masochistic bullshit trips of using surgical instruments, and items of torture on each other, and calling it kink.
Pra esses veganos filhos da puta a vida de uma vaca ou uma galinha tem mais valor que a de um bebê no útero da mãe. Agenda política pra idiota útil mesmo.
This looks more like a sexual fetish than anything
That black dude just there to get laid with one of those crazy vegan bitches.
At least there's no fatties there. These people are deranged. Let them live amongst their animal friends .... in the jungle ... where they can learn about nature being red in tooth and claw!