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The Magic Roundabout - Intro Theme Tune

Published on 23 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

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As Australia starts falling off the cliff into another season of flooding...

What is good to watch when your sitting at the dinner table up to your belly in water... with candle lit dinner?

The main sleaze media and their fucking bullshit?

Or the Magic Roundabout.

The Magic Roundabout - some nice, simple, pure escapism and genuine entertainment.

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Leader_Desslok 1 year ago

it beats anything ever produced by Disney !

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@Leader_Desslok: I wish I could upload the photos..... It was a great time... nearly 80cm of water over the slab for a week... hot tropical rainwater.... But the Australian Main Sleaze Media, just did their all channels, 24/7 hour long news cycles, on all networks, pull out 5 minutes every hour, put in 5 minutes of updates every hour for like 2 or 3 weeks... Oh on such and such street, authorities report that the flood has gone up by 50mm in the last 4 hours... Oh in xyz district - the authorities fear the levy bank will soon be topped by the flood... Journalists are moronic cunts..... and I would have given almost anything to watch anything except non stop, all networks news, on the flood, when I am sitting in my own loungeroom / office / dining area, up to my gut in river water, telling me that most of Australia is fucking flooded.....

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@Leader_Desslok: Have you been reading the last few reports by Better Bathcelor on Jana Hocking? That is the level of IQ and bullshit that the average Australian journalist has, and the retarded crap, they come out with. Most people don't even own TV's any more.... Fed up with the non stop fucking crap.

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Leader_Desslok 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Shane , move tothe American North East ( also know as "New England") . we have 4 seasond here and very few floods, hurricanes , tornados ,and or earthquakes . however we do have cold winters here . you will love it . (avoid the american west coast as it is peopled by what the aussies call "cunts".

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@Leader_Desslok: Merry Christmas Mr Desslok :)

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