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The Mexican Cartel Makes Feminists Disappear - MGTOW

Published on 24 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Why have feminists been disappearing in Mexico?

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This video is brought to you by a donation from Michael. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover an article I found called "Why have feminists been disappearing in Mexico?" which I've linked to in the description. While in the west most men have resigned themselves to being woke, drinking soy and squeezing all the milk out of their mammaries after taking their daily dose of estrogen in Mexico they have taken a different approach to feminism and woke women. They make being a feminist very dangerous and deadly as they Mary Antoinette them instead. It's despicable what the cartel is doing to Mexican Feminists. Despicable I tell you. They are give them acid barrel baths a making them disappear in the desert after what they believe is giving these women their just desserts. I don't agree with violence. It's never the answer. So why is this happening? Why are Mexican men fighting back against women and their Taco Supreme movement south of the border. Women blame the patriarchy in all it's forms and I heard some rumblings that they started to MeToo the cartel members. In the west when we say something naughty against women we get deplatformed. But in Mexico when you say something bad about a powerful man or attack masculinity in general you're not going to simply get thrown out of social media. You're going to get thrown out of your mortal meat coil regardless of if you have a golden taco or not. Now let me read a bit from that article and I quote: "Earlier this year, a well known lesbian feminist Twitter user called Luisa started to receive death threats via the microblog network. Fearing for her own life as trolls released sensitive personal information about her, she shut down her Twitter account and released a statement about the direct violence she was experiencing. It’s very clear the political and gendered message, has shaken the nation, especially the activist and journalist communities. “We are realizing that we are at the mercy of whichever force, albeit narco trafficking, organized crime or our government,” Lulu V. Barrera, an activist with the feminist group Luchadoras, told Dazed. A mere week before the quintuple murder, Barrera arrived at her day job with the organization Justice Equity for Women to find that their offices and been raided. In what she called a very targeted attack, the robbers took administrative computers and then proceeded to steal from their bank account half of the organisation’s operational budget for the year. Barrera believes it was a clear assault on the work they are doing defending women within what she calls the “patriarchal justice system." unquote. Well guys maybe it's time to look at moving to Mexico. Now we know why Vention MGTOW is probably down there. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lord Bogdanoff:

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RoboCat 4 years ago

Three key points:
1- Mexico wasn't down with feminism *until* AMLO the socialist was elected at which point feminism kicked into overdrive. It will catch up within 10 years tops, RIP. Prior to this, although Mexico was leftist, the narcos, government corruption, catholicism and very aggressive work ethic allowed the people to resist feminism quite effectively. Unfortunately, AMLO the socialist did what socialists do; Consolidate power and impose his orthodoxy on everyone via government force. We're fucked.

2- Most the narco groups or "cartels" as outsiders call them, don't go after someone unless there is a *Very* good reason to do s and feminism is not a very good reason. Yes, there are some narco groups that do commit random brutality but they are always the smaller ones that are insignificant as long as you don't go to their very obvious zone of influence. Even in those zones, their power is largely for show. In any case, if and when a narco group decides to act against someone, they will not warn them.


3- The narco groups or "cartels" are largely a U.S. meme. They do not control anything, especially not the government. To even try to suggest otherwise is pure unadulterated insanity. The problem of Mexico is precisely the corrupt government, the narcos are small potatoes in comparison.

People saying that the narcos somehow control the government or the nation are the equivalent of me saying "THE U.S. AND ITS GOVERNMENT ARE COMPLETELY CONTROLLED BY THE KKK." which is retarded. The narcos in Mexico are businessmen and the bulk of what they do is transport drugs across Mexico but especially from south to north and then into the U.S. They have zero control over the government or the republic, except for very specific areas like Culiacan Sinaloa which is legitimately a narco zone for reasons too stupid to get into right now.

***The way I explain it to foreigners is; It's kind of like the story of Robin Hood (Let me finish my point), Robin & Merry men are organized, well trained and are well armed. They engage in illicit activities using subterfuge, stealth and disinformation tactics. As a result, whenever they engage in a fight against the Sheriff & his deputies, they almost always have the upper hand in some way. HOWEVER, if Robin openly led his forces in a full-frontal attack against the Sheriff, he'd get himself and his men killed/imprisoned..... and that's just the Sheriff's forces, if the king sent in his royal guards or even the army, it would be even more one-sided.

So how do these outlaws manage to avoid that? well, the people overwhelmingly support them while hating the king/sheriff. Robin Hood also has connections with people that can feed him key info or feed his enemies false info (Marion/Local priest/etc.). If Robin Hood started killing innocent civilians, he would lose the support of the people and his connections would turn their back on him. That's why the narcos typically don't go around killing random citizens and only do that if there's a good reason for it.***

THAT'S how the narcos operate and what they are. They have zero political power and their military capability is very poor. Even just AMLO's personal army could easily wipe them all out, let alone the actual military.


That being said, the narco groups and government corruption have actually served as a sort of "protection" against things like feminism and even islam. When hussein obama brought 15,000+ muslims to Mexico, those muslims harmed no one and all obeyed our laws which was interesting because if they had raped just one woman or killed a man, all 15,000+ muslims would have been exterminated without mercy. Someone had to have warned them..... but my point is, although a lot of what Sandman was told is nonsense and his perception of Mexico is largely incorrect, his sentiment about the narcos somehow being "opposites" to feminists is correct.

What you might call "narco culture" is extremely anti-feminist and the narcos themselves very often have a policy to not go after housewives/respectable women but will not hesitate to kidnap/kill/harm a "strong independent wahmen who dont need no man". Stepping up to guys is a bad idea when there is a chance that one of those guys might be involved.

The "narco culture" does indeed glorify money, bitches, danger and guns but it also honors family and hard work. A mother that takes care of her kids is respected, which infuriates feminists of course, etc.

I've explained this to countless foreigners and exactly zero have been able to understand. Even TFM went full retard and started asking for official sources...... yes, official sources to a fucking outlaw group, what a joke. I expect none of you to understand, you are all garbage.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Thank you for your lengthy explanation. Allow me this garbage to like it.

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buddd 4 years ago

I don’t give a fuck what happens to feminists. When I see stories about feminists getting taken care of, my faith in humanity is slightly restored. Even if by a tiny bit.

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

Put them in acid barrels idgaf

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buddd 4 years ago

Put them into breeding pits, but don’t actually ‘breed’ them, just fill their holes and then acid bathe them. Fuck feminists, they’re anti-male, baby murdering scum.

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BackBlast 4 years ago

Dude, violence solves literally all problems. It can even solve math problems if you threaten someone who can solve the math problems.

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