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the mgtow blow back #feminism

Published on 01 May 2020 / In Other

the mgtow blow back #feminism

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mrghoster 5 years ago

I know MEN wont be coonvince , neither will I. BUTT you would think women instead of deriding MEN for walking away from THEOIR anger and hatred would spark of the notion that they may just be doing something wrong? LOL! BUTT no women seem to think being a total CUNT to MEN somehow is going to bring us back? Hum! don't think so lady's you are out of my life forever, "NO" going back ever for me anyways? there is absolutely NOTHING I could think of that would entice me back to Relationshit's or a female? No amount of money offered or any form of compromise or Promises, because we know you BITCHES lie through your teeth! LOL!

Kind of looks to me like you lady's are FUCKED. You see MEN built Civilizations and the next one we build wont include you, well certainly in no place of power. you have proved many a time you are incapable of even the basic of trust and if you think you have P{OWER? well that is only because you steal it from Simp's and Cuck's that are Pussy Whipped by you CUNT's! lol!

Nope! the REAL MEN for the future are those that have walked away from all your BULLSHIT. fuck we are already sorting our own shit out so that is already a working start on moving away from destruction caused by YOU. you see lady's REAL MEN man up and Create, all women have proved to MEN is they can Destroy anything YOU touch! lol!

feminism has SAVED the MEN by showing us your TRUE nature, and feminism cant touch us but it is destroying females thankfully for us MEN that is? marriage is DEAD, Dating is DEAD, Relationshit's are DEAD, and all by your own hand and one day YOU will be DEAD! lol!

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mrghoster 5 years ago

women can only think of MGTOW in terms of a CULT, because that is what feminism is, A CULT and Cancer on society. so they cannot think outside or that "Projection" mentality of the narc feminist.

MGTOW is purely a Philosophy that is whatever the individual wants it to be to better himself with? MGTOW is not a CULT or even a Movement, unlike feminism which is both because it is backed up by corrupt government. MGTOW has no leadership by it's very construction which doesn't allow for that kind of thing, unlike MRA's who are kind of a movement and that is why it fails. You cannot be reasonable and logical with the Irrational trait of the female. The safest and easiest most worthwhile thing to do is go Monk and avoid women, learn to use the magic of that word "NO". Also keep silent when around females then they cannot get any Ammo against you. Be as rude as you like to women and that will keep them at a distance.

women age like soured Milk, MEN mature like a fine wine. They say little girls are born 5 years old so they can slate off boy's from a young age. what they don't tell you is women mentally remain 5 years old til the day they die! lol! then their is "the juice ain't worth the squeeze" they really don't like that one! lol!

Covid 19 is proving to be an idea add on for the true MGTOW as it means with social distancing that women are NOT allowed near US, thus saving us that effort of avoiding them. It's being done for us. I've been Socially Isolated and distanced for 35 years now, so not much has changed except for the Cock sucking Police and their fines for going shopping or paying my Rent? Yet to be stopped though.

women suffer because bars and clubs are closed! lol1 the little VICTIM's are not getting those free dinners and drinks, BUTT guy's simply go down the off licence or Supermarket and buy lots of bottles and cans to drink at home in peace. LOL! Yep The PLANNEDemic fakery is working right into MEN's adaptable hands. The greatest pleasure is seeing the THOT's and ho's starting to lose their minds and it's happening! lol!

Social Isolation has stripped the WHORE of it's income, the SHTF will happen far earlier for a female thus like everything else giving the thinking on the ball MAN pre-warning of trouble! lol! peace.

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