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The MGTOW Documentary

Published on 17 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron. He didn't send me a specific topic so I'm going to cover the recent MGTOW documentary by the YouTuber known as Spetsnaz. I'm glad he put me in there. I'm sure that Stardusko probably told him not to put me in but he decided to put my Intro to MGTOW video in. His work kind of reminds me of what happened back when the Red Pill Documentary was put together a few years back. It featured mostly the MRAs at that time and at the very end there was a small section on MGTOW. I think that a lot has changed in the seven years since Spetsnaz first started producing content. I remember hearing huMAN and him discussing how they couldn't understand that young guys in their late teens and early twenties were completely nihilistic about relationships and dating. That they weren't interested in going through the experiences of older millenials and younger generation X types. That we saw our relationship experiences as a sort of badge of honor. But the main MGTOW voices out there with regards to content producers are now mostly over 40. MRA voices are in their late forties, fifties and sixties. Both groups have become out of touch with reality when it comes to the dating dynamics out there so I'm really glad that Spetsnaz decided to include footage from the Black Pill documentary which is one of the main incel contributions to the manosphere. Those in the Incel community are trying to maximize their looks, personality and financial status to get a relationship. The Puas are trying maximize their appeal to women so they can get laid and the MRAs are trying to make the laws more balanced so they can get married. I would call them the three whoresman of the femmepocalypse. All three groups appear to be all about female validation. This is something I wish Spetsnaz had spoken about. Men going their own way aren't looking for the validation of women as the cornerstone of their philosophy. I'll get to more of my thoughts about the MGTOW documentary in a moment but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back to the show. When I first went my own way back in 2013 the dating markets were different because most people weren't using Tinder back then. But what bothers me about the manosphere in general is that men went from seeking equal rights for men so men could get safely married again. To men going their own way so we could live our lives for ourselves and now with the rise of incel thanks to the dating market we are seeing men in that part of the manosphere changing their faces and looks with cosmetic surgery and other trickery just to get a girlfriend. Men are seeking out validation again. Call me crazy but it's almost as if women figured out that men were going their own way from relationships and marriage so what better way to put a stop to that then to deny men marriage and relationships in the first place. That way men wouldn't go from having enough of female nature where we were sick of it to the point
where we didn't get enough at all so were constantly thirsty. Of course that's not what happened.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

I do not think that America will suffer a fate like that of Japan. In some ways, ours will be worse. Our economy will eventually collapse and shit will get real, really fast. Then feminism will go out the window

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

what do you mean it hasn't been tried yet? it's called ISLAM.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

MGTOW is also a great spiritual force never to be wreckened with. No Satanic or demonic, feminist force trying to subvert humanity will ever stand a chance against MGTOW itself.

We are truly unstoppable and we are all one as (78) which is our spiritual code.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

Explain this spiritual code

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Seethemturn 4 years ago

Freedom is the win but id like to see the family court judge hang

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

For the wankers that claim that Trump is draining the swamp

No questing offical state narritive
- Both RIGHT and LEFT WING dont support Freedom

- HIGH Alert Amerika!
(HighImpactFlix) [bitchute]
#Zoinism #ISRAEL #Jews #ADL #mainstream

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