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The MGTOW Migrant Crisis

Published on 15 Dec 2016 / In People & Blogs

In this video I discuss the brain drain that has occurred over the last year.




Now, I find that there is a breed of MGTOW in the community that make MGTOW to be primarily a stance of self-preservation against the powers imbued into women through the state. Such a man I would posit is nominally MGTOW; MGTOW as a consequent of fear.

Indeed, the benefit of MGTOW is not in the safety. It is in the freedom from the vampiric aura women carry with them. An aura that drains your vitality from you; taming you into a domesticated animal until all that is left of you is a desire to feel no pain. Awakening men to this benefit is what MGTOW ought to praise! – the rekindling of your desire to crush your enemies – competitors on your selected path to greatness. If you have no drive towards some form of excellence; if you aspire to mediocrity, if you have contented yourself to be a part of the herd then you are already dead – a non-player in life, your body merely catching up to join your soul in its decay. MGTOW cannot save you from yourself. You, my friend, will be stepped on by those who do have that drive. You will be left alone in so far as you are not in the way, at best merely exploited from a distance. What protest can a lamb possibly make towards a bird of prey? What will the consequence be to the bird of prey for his inconsideration of the lamb’s protests? None, and rightfully so. After all, it is only proper that the bird of prey eat the lamb.

It should not be though that the bird of prey hates the lamb. Not at all, in fact, he thinks there is nothing tastier than a succulent lamb.

There is a generally accepted saying that “People should be able to do whatever they want as long as they are not hurting anyone.” As I pointed out in my video on the Will To Power is that Nietzsche is telling us is the set of all things a person can do under those conditions is the same set that makes you mediocre. How can you possibly rise in the ranks of excellence without crushing your competitors? You cannot. Necessarily, every time you have been hired for a job it came at the expense of someone else not getting it. Necessarily, every time you have been promoted in a job it was at the expense of someone else. When you choose to spend your money is one place over another it is once again at the expense of all those places you did not spend your money.

We go around performing mundane day to day tasks which we consider acceptable which ultimately cause others to experience pain and suffering. This casual pain we cause to others is exactly what causes resentment in the mediocre towards the excellent. If a mediocre person, believing themselves excellent continues to fail to acquire employment, he may come to believe he is being discriminated against. He will nurture that seed until he can pinpoint a plausible target to blame. He will come to resent his perceived oppressor and finally grow to hate him.

The SJW phenomenon is this very thing. Mediocre people believing themselves as great pointing at men, or heterosexuals, or whites as their oppressors. The alternative, to come to believe yourself mediocre is too much for such a person to accept. It is with the mediocre that victimhood has asserted itself as the will to power.
This is why choosing mediocrity for yourself is not an option. Choosing to abstain from the pursuit of excellence will over time whittle you down to such a level where you will perpetually begin to fail. With enough failures, you will grow resentful until you too will come to point a finger at the perceived transgressor who has oppressed you in such a manner.

I have seen software developers falls from grace in this very way. They allowed their skills to stagnate to such an extent that they become unemployable. As their inability to find a job goes from weeks to months, the excuses come flooding in. They would think to themselves: “How can this be that I cannot find a job, I have 20 years experience!” Clearly it must be a slow time of the year. After months pass the excuse changes to a slowdown in the market in general. Months later it turns to the stupid questions that non-technical interviewers ask and the absurdly detailed questions technical interviewers ask. They become touchy when you ask them how the job search is doing. They tell you, if you happened to find a software job quickly, that you just got lucky. Finally, they find their demon to blame. Sometimes they blame discrimination against their age: “No one wants to hire a developer over 40!” Sometimes they blame affirmative action or quotas. Sometimes they blame discrimination against very experienced developers due to the high asking salary.

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