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The Military Is In Charge Now To Save America

Published on 21 Jan 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣A fraudulent election means a fraudulent inauguration there for illegitimate government, The Unuted States Military now has the complete authority to take back our country from an illegitimate goverment runned by Biden and the deep state. Biden just steped right in the greatest trap ever set by the Patriots.
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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Well Shadow I think the cup of hope has a hole in it. It looks like trump could not call for Martial law because the left has to many people in place. The deep State is to deep if he says do this they don't do it and he cant do it all by himself . I would fight the good fight but I'm too old now . But I did find a place to go . A small Country that is a Monarchy with a King . I'm Retired so I don't have to find a job there. And I don't have to sell my house here in the US . ( Dual citizenship ) Paradise for me ! If you want to know where it is Ill tell you on the privet massage board .

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

But luckily the us military has the upper hand and basically the deep state isn’t too deep for the military to tackle, like it’s interesting that the the White House has been scrubbed of all breefings and all other confidential information that is key to draining the swamp which neither the us military or pentagon are refusing to give away to the Biden transmission team. What’s even more interesting is that Trump still has the two nuclear footballs with him. And other branches of the military are not being loyal towards Biden they’re not listening or obeying Biden. So there’s no need to worry because the deep state has denied ever infiltrated the United States military which is great. So ever since the 1950s macarthy era. In the United States military basically made it so that in case of a fraudulent government being installed in the United States that the United States military is therefore given the ultimate authority to basically over throw that fragile and government and take control and restore the constitution which we are in that scenario right now.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

So don’t worry my friend... The military has it under control, which isn’t the end it’s only the very beginning of a very complex military operation to overthrow the deep state ; )

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: I haven't seen a thing about the football ! ? Do you know this for a fact ?

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