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Published on 23 Aug 2024 / In Other

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Bagoodman 6 months ago

I watched this as a kid in 1969 and believed it then - Now I know it could not have been done at that time and moreover I don't think they can do it now !. - When asked to release all the data Somehow all the tapes were lost ! - They didn't know where the tapes were from the Biggest Achievement in the History of Mankind ! - Well I was born at Night But not Last night - So NO I don't think we went there in 1969 . And I do study Physics . ( Leader's comment below ) But you don't have to study physics to see that our technology at that time was not sufficient . JMO

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

i can see that the real hoax here is the "documentary " it's self . this is actually comical if you happen to be an engineer . or have a degree in math or science . also the crap that they keep flashing micro views of is supposed to somehow make you think that we did not land on the moon? ALL of those scenes have been happening here on earth for thousands of years. it just proves what a bunch of idiots human beings really are . however none of those events would in any way prevent us from landing on the moon . this is a guilt trip laid on the public to bilk money out of the public and or governments of earth. also i see yet another non informed "researcher" that thinks that astronauts would die of radiation because they passed thru the thin part of the radiation belt . ( bet you didn't know that it is not a uniform thickness all around ) because no one wanted you to know that their "theory " was deeply flawed . as for the "analysis " of the photograph , i say talk to me when you have taken a course in basic physics . a Bachelor of Science in Photonic Science and Engineering " would be even better . in the mean time i think that people need to stop and and ask themselves why some people just want to tear down the major achievements of the industrial revolution . means that they are miserable losers that want to tear others down so that they can build themselves up . this is as old as human history .

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

@Ozmosis: ok so landing on the moon does not mean that anyone should stop believing in god . because the earth and moon and all of the universe prove that there is something out there that is bigger and better than human beings . if anything the inscription on Onkel Werhner's grave marker proves that he believed in god . a good moon landing only proves that god's creation is not limited to earth .

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Ozmosis 6 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: i see agent smith has tooken over you well agent smith if you want to defend and put your trust in the zionist freemasons version of history then power to you just dont expect the rest of us to trust your zionist masters and their version of history

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

well , how can they land on the moon when the earth is flat and the moon is just a giant pizza in the night sky ?

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GenerationLESS 6 months ago

I have a series of tapes about the moon landings. Watch the press interview with the Apollo 11 crew. The guys are like 3 a trance. Real strange NON-reactions from someone that just walked on the moon for the first time in history.

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