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The Morning Constitutional: 12/13/2023

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Published on 13 Dec 2023 / In News & Politics

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AlwaysDTF 1 year ago

I was strongarmed into getting the vax. just finished college to become an xray tech. and the governor put out a decree that any hospital network that employes unjabed people won't get paid by medicare and medicaid. so my options at the time were either move to a different state and pay to take that state's certification exam, give up the last five years of my life and go into a totally different career path, or get the ouchie. never got or will get boosters so I'm hoping that I can stay alive

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Laxly 1 year ago

I'm from the future TFM, you'll be so excited to hear that Yemen did the thing

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 1 year ago

This Satori guy really has too much time on his hands or being on a crusade. Who in their right mind anal-lyses a shooting the shit round.... seriously!

What is the point of it?... Who knows, don't care.

As always, wishing everybody making a quick mental recovery but this may take a long time for some here.
Get well soon Girlz!

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RedPillSatori 1 year ago

A lot of "it is what it is" in this show, but he did OK with the other ones.

'it is what it is'

Total: 5

@00:19:56 ==> '... So I knew they weren't going to be allowed to go that high. Well, now energy is in free fall in fucking December. So here we are. It's fucked. It's absolutely fucked. But it is what it is. I was already emotionally prepared to sell. I've just looking for. I assume that winter will be a good exit point. But silly me, silly me for assuming that winter will be a good exit point for energy. Clearly the right aim....'

@00:28:27 ==> '... And despite that, you know, even being less than what a money market is paying. It's just, it is what it is. The credit card companies are doing fine. And a lot of people are going to debt with their credit cards because it's, it's a relatively stable form of loan as opposed to going and getting a loan from a bank or something. It's really, it's a crazy scenario we're living in. What the government is doing is they're trying to, they're trying to do the economically impossible through,...'

@00:47:15 ==> '... If it other than like the government say so. But whatever, it is what it is. So if you're OPEC, what can you do? I mean, they could have issued an embargo against the West because of the Israeli war, which by the way, they're right now they're flooding the tunnels and gauze was sea water to drown everyone in the tunnels, which is a war crime, but they don't care. No one's going to do anything. That's the key. Remember early on in the war in Gaza, there was that that rocket attack against the hospital....'

@00:56:00 ==> '... good. I'm not even sure what value I can even provide. Like there's no reason to have a daily newsletter telling you, hey, just stay out of the market and stay in cash. But it's not just me. It's also Warren Buffett. I mean, for what it's worth a lot of people like, oh, Warren Buffett is an old fogey. Yeah, he's basically selling everything and, you know, sitting in mostly cash. So it is what it is. What can you do? Let's see if the website's working again. And no. Okay....'

@01:34:45 ==> '... They're probably tired of getting fucked along with everyone else. So, you know, what do you do? So you have to form some type of a trade block with other nations to stand up against the West hedge among, which is what the multi-polar world is, which bricks is trying to do. Now there are people trying to play both sides like India and Saudi Arabia. That's unfortunate, but it's not a deal breaker. It just means like they'll need some inducements to actually get with the program, but it is what it is....'

'point is though'

Total: 2

@00:40:13 ==> '... Having, if no, it's not it's the ETF height, but just same thing happened in 2021 with the, the bido ETF. It doesn't matter. The point is though is I'm sure there can be a lot of crypto people who are like,...'

@01:35:14 ==> '... The point is though, when you have the brick system, even with digital currencies, there is no one country that can corrupt the system....'

'point is is'

Total: 0

'it's whatever'

Total: 1

@02:10:36 ==> '... Now that it's like, okay, maybe it's like 50% or less, like right now, again, a year or two, we're at 1% mortality. Now you're like, Oh, that's, no, that's not fine. That is not fine. 1% mortality from a vaccine is really high. But, you know, that it's whatever. If you want to pretend like that's okay, it's okay that it's only 1% 1% people who got the vaccine died within the first two years. And that's okay....'

   0    3
RedPillSatori 1 year ago

Lol..he claims that 1% of people who got the jab have died. When you consider that HALF of the world's population got the jab, that would mean that 40 million people have died from it so far--that's something like 20x the excess deaths of '21, '22, and '23. How can anyone take him seriously?

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RedPillSatori 1 year ago

@RedPillSatori: ...and most of those excess deaths in the USA are because of Fentanyl, which Dr. John Campbell doesn't even mention, but a lot of people in his comments section do:

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RedPillSatori 1 year ago

It's ironic that Tiffum claims that conspiracy theories are BS, and that people who want to believe in conspiracy theories do so because they want to feel like someone is in control, but he throws all that logic out the window when it comes to his "Government is conspiring to cull the population with vaccines" conspiracy theory.

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RedPillSatori 1 year ago

When you take into account drug overdoes (including Fentanyl), suicides, people still dying from covid, slowly aging demographic, higher crime/murder rates, etc.. then that explains around 90% of the excess mortality rates. Are some people dying from the spike proteins in the Covid jab? Yes--absolutely! However, Tiffum is blowing it WAY out of proportion.

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RedPillSatori 1 year ago

How does Tiffum account for Israel and the Jews? Isreal has like a 99% covid vaccination rate. If there's a Jewish cabal ruling the world, and they want to promote and expand their "chosen" race over all others, then why would they knowingly vaccinate Israel, like they did, considering how "deadly" the jab is?

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RedPillSatori 1 year ago

And to all you assholes out there who are going to thumb down my comments, how about you prove me wrong instead, and counter some of my points? Tiffum is the one who is making the outrageous claim that a large portion of the world's population is going to die from the jab. The burden of proof is on HIM--NOT me.

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Lucifer333 1 year ago

@RedPillSatori: bruh, these ppl are highschool dropout, they would not know anything about the "scientific method" that propelled Western civilisation to the APEX of all mankind

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stingygamer 1 year ago

Biden gonna get clapped

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