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The Morning Constitutional: 12/4/2022

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Published on 04 Dec 2022 / In People & Blogs

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tyuuhb 2 years ago

I think Destiny shows how worthless, not in touch with reality elitism is born. THese clever in the room elites have no use in the real world. All talk no practical use. Stupid elites filled with autistic sense of superiority.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

5:41:09 Bullshit.
It's not "sad" when those guys get destroyed/enslaved by the corrupt courts, it's exactly what they deserve. Those are the same fefs that are talking about "NAH BRO U JUS BITTER CUZ U CAENT GIT LAID LOLZ" and "Wow, what kind of loser isn't chasing pussy 24/7?" kind of thing when you try to warn them or when the discussion comes up. Enjoy being slaves. I have zero sympathy for them and would not help any of them under any circumstances.

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

Who cares? Still wasting time?

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@CrunshyNumbers: wasting time? arent you supposed to build you brick and morter bizz, lol,

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@OmegaMan99: I'll take my chances. I see no reason to cuck out even a little bit on this, especially for pieces of shit that endorse the corrupt system until it's their turn on the chopping block and even then, some men still endorse it after getting divorce-raped. Fuck 'em.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

3:50:55 I'd sure love to know what the meaningful difference between fascist socialism & marxist socialism ("communism") is then, TFM. Both are totalitarian systems of governance that function by subjugating the nation's citizenry to the extreme under a specific orthodoxy, I.e. hardcore leftism. So uh, what's the difference? there is none. None that matters but even if we pretend otherwise, both are variants of SOCIALISM which is, again, hardcore leftism. This isn't opinion and it isn't debatable. Both the NSDAP and the bolsheviks wrote about it extensively.

"Y-YEAH BUT THE NSDAP WERENT SOCIALISTS (hardcore leftists) !!1!!"
Yeah? so the guys in the SOCIALIST PARTY OF GERMANY that used socialist rhetoric, socialist propaganda, socialist symbols, a socialist system of governance based on the father of socialism's design (Vladimir Lenin), led by a guy that literally said "I am a socialist" .... were actually libertarians? fuck off with that bullshit, TFM. The NSDAP explicitly denounced the right and considered the values of the right to be 'the problem'. TFM is right about a lot of things but when he's wrong he's seriously fucking wrong to a startling degree. Oh let me guess;

Is that so? so when they *abolished property rights* in 1933 via the Reichstag fire decree, effectively turning Weimer Germany into .... wait for it.... SOCIALIST GERMANY.... just a prank bro? what the fuck is TFM even talking about? socialism=socialism. It doesn't matter which gang of hardcore leftists is in charge or who the head of the gang is. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Saddam Hussein.... they're all hardcore leftists and there is no meaningful difference between them. To pretend otherwise is to lie and lie poorly.

"OK BUT FASCISM ISN'T SOCIALISM THOUGH. I WAS TALKING ABOUT THE ITALIANS." (TFM would never use this argument but others would)
You mean during the era of SOCIALIST ITALY? led the same guy that is the father & architect of 'fascism' and literally said "I am and always will be a socialist"? the one that was a staunch, hardcore leftist his entire life and literally left us"the fascist manifesto" & "fascism doctrines & institutions" to know exactly what he was about? [NOTE: Both are very clear that it's just hardcore leftism aka socialism]. There is no difference between socialism and socialism, TFM. Or better yet, I'll let "Past TFM" assrape "Modern TFM";

"We can judge things based on their outcome"
How does fascist socialism end ? hyper-inflation, mass violence & collapse. How does marxist socialism end? hyper-inflation, mass violence & collapse (U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Venezuela, etc.). There is no rubric by which you can seriously argue that, as TFM would say it "communism" and "fascism" are different in the same way that getting decapitated by a guillotine and taking two shotgun blasts to the head are 'different'. GTFO. Old TFM would call Modern TFM a piece of shit for even making such an argument.

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ImhereforTFM 2 years ago

Yeah, it's true that the fascists were also socialists with a tint of nationalism. But then what would be the stability right system? Monarchy or idk. At least I think there is some merit to comparing direct ownership by the government and just government telling people what to do(indirect). I guess it is all a matter of how much influence they have.

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

If you would invest this much time IRL on sth productive, instead on a useless essay on some random forum... You would be miles ahead.... Destiny awaits you XD

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@ImhereforTFM: What do you mean, leftist? nationalism=a 'feeling' of devotion & loyalty to home, like for friends/family but less. It's politically NEUTRAL but also; Mao, Lenin, Stalin & Saddam Hussein (socialists aka hc leftists) were ALL nationalists, as were their variants of socialism. Care to double-check? it's not obscure/unknown info but you knew that. You faceplanted with your bullshit propaganda attempt even by the standards of a hardcore leftist like you. socialism=socialism but thanks for unintentionally proving further they're the same. Better luck next time, leftist.

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Porky 2 years ago

Difference is the limit of freedom. "Free state" limit your freedom so it can protect itself and run the minimum goverment functions (Military and police at least), Nationalist state limit your freedom so you arent "degenerate" whatever it means. If you obey the traditions, you are ok to use your freedom to raise. Communist society just ban your freedom because how dare you using your freedom for personal gain you capitalist, All free systems can fuck you over just because they can. Difference is their declared goals which limit their actions on some degree, but in the end of the day - people with guns is people with guns, no matter what government is in charge

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@mgtow_user551: So leftism or leftism? don't waste my time with your propagandist bullshit trying to pretend there is a meaningful difference between a socialist nation and a socialist nation. Liberty is always the ideal, not your precious tyranny. "Who would you like your slavermaster to be?" how about fuck off? also, there's no such thing as a 'nationalism nation' but that's cute, leftist. The ideal govt is a minarchy, I.e. govt restricted to it's legitimate function (police, military, courts, congress). A nation using this system of governance will always have liberty, prosperity and security.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@RoboCat: your IQ is that of a nematode with 400 neurons, your LP friends want to buy and sell kids (free markets in kids) why do you follow these sick fucks? Because you are one yourself

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@RoboCat: Rothbard "parents do not have the legal obligation to clothe feed their children" (LP USA Murray Rothbard) ;... listen nothing against jews but it just shows that ancap was a jeswish invention just like socialism

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: tl;dr QQ more , leftist.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@RoboCat: Rothbard is a leftist? The man is one of the greatest Libertarian thinkers, you are just a filthy pedo child enslaver like him

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: And stalin/mustache man/mao/saddam hussein are the most prominent leftists across history. Your heroes and the ones you admire most leftist. You lose. Better luck next time.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@RoboCat: Not one word about how a disgusting Libertarian is promoting selling your kids as replacement organs, or for medical experiments, how sick are you.... what does Hussein (where are the WMD's again?) have to do with the Satanic garbage Rothbard is promoting.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@Lucifer333: What's that, commie? couldn't hear you over your beloved slavery & mass murder.

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Lucifer333 2 years ago

@RoboCat: "commie" "commie" "commie" you suck Murrah Rothbard pedofile dick, so how is living in Israel these days

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RoboCat 2 years ago

2:53:19 "What are the white people doing?"
vtubers as well. There was a recent event in, I want to say 'boston' but I'm not sure, where the HoloEN girls did a 'thing'. There is footage of the crowd and it's a sea of white guyswith a slight dash of asian & hispanics. Not a black soul in sight, Lol.

Looked it up, apparently it was new york city. "Anime NYC". The blacks are about 25% of NYC (Significantly higher than U.S. avg) which makes the crowd footage even more compelling. Here's a link to what I'm talking about. Beware; EXTREMELY high levels of autism. watch?v=AkmerlGyP8s

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Crunshy Numbers
Crunshy Numbers 2 years ago

How much time do you have on your hands to desect & ANALyse a podcast...nobody cares. Go out IRL and do sth for fuck sake

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ImhereforTFM 2 years ago

2:05:25 Damn... I feel bad for TFM that he can't say to his peers irl what he really wants. I know online is an alternative, but it just isn't the same. People around me aren't mgtow or anything, but I do voice my opinions and I did change some minds with the people that are closest to me. I guess I should value that camaraderie more. I don't know how he can be so zen if he feels he can't act the way he wants when talking to people, at least for me it is really freeing to speak my mind anytime, but I guess that is a perk of living in eastern europe where people don't give a shit about a lot of things.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

Eh? is it really a good idea to talk to people about these things? even people you trust, if & when they turn on you will use all of it against you in the worst ways. I used to be like you but now I'm a lot more like TFM and would never discuss any of this with anyone in RL under any circumstances. I think you are being naive but do your thing man. Be careful who you talk to.

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ImhereforTFM 2 years ago

@RoboCat: I guess you may be right. Some dude also told me that, but what could they even do? I'm in high school, not a job or somewhere where I will stay for a long time. If I already said it why would I be worried about being "exposed". Later on, yeah, I don't think I'm going to be so open about the controversial stuff.

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RoboCat 2 years ago

@ImhereforTFM: Even as a teen you are still your own man and you decide what risks you take because ultimately you are the one that has to live with them. Consider how men havetheir life ruined over things they said or did 20, 30 or even 40 years ago. Basically, you're taking a big risk when you discuss these topics with someone/anyone. Protect yourself at all times because no one else will. Be careful...... best of luck.

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