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The Morning Constitutional: 2/24/2021

T F Monkey
T F Monkey
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Published on 24 Feb 2021 / In News & Politics

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SolidSnake33 4 years ago

When I hear helicopter noises I get semi-erect.
"Is that a Hind-D" -- in your pants!?

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ticklemyfirecracker 4 years ago

Has anybody sent TFM the article about Rose Mcgowan being a permament resident of mexico? with "mexican green card?"

Has the article been covered?

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Turdpool 4 years ago

It made me cringe when they said that zoomers just want to be fags.
fags refers to homosexual MEN does it not?

The rise in LGBT % of the population is because women are naturally bisexual. Someone living on the left coast like TFM should certainly understand. (Assuming he's not living in a very conservative bubble like what I grew up in)

The reason the LGBT population isn't higher than it is, is because even now, there are (using a loose definition) religious girls, who are ashamed of reality, and there are also girls who've yet to "experiment"

if you look up "Gay pride parade" you will see at least ten women for every man. And some of those men don't even look like they want to be there.

This is coming from a Catholic zoomer who lived in a conservative area of California, until 2018. There, lesbian behavior was as rare as gay behavior. (But things have almost certainly changed by now)

I'd seen the studies about bisexuality in women, and it was hard to believe at first, taking into account where I grew up, but when I moved around a bit, it became SO obvious.

In 2019, me and my parents went to Spain for a month, and I noticed that at least half of young couples were lesbian. At first I wondered how there could be so many, if lesbianism was an abnormality. I deducted that it isn't.

Older women never even thought of the possibility of being bisexual, so they never really found out, and thus identify as straight. (The same was true in my old home town, of young women. I remember speculating about who the lesbians were, and they would reject the idea completely)

I wouldn't be too surprised however, if, in 20 years, 10% of men became actual ladyboys. You see, with trans people becoming mainstream, (and even right wing, in the case of Blair White) generation alpha will not be anymore transphobic than zoomers are homophobic. And with the dating pool for men shrinking like it has, with all these bisexual women pairing off and becoming lesbians, men might, with the help of a little cosmetic surgery and hormone therapy, do the same thing women are doing now. But as of now, men have generally no interest in dick.

I'm a Catholic, so you might think this is an odd thing for me to say. "Isn't being LGBT unnatural? Isn't it caused by brainwashing?"

Here's the thing. Catholics have a MUCH more intelligent view of the world than other christian sects, as tfm has pointed many times. We don't believe it's unnatural, we believe that acting on homosexual desires is a sin, just like masturbation is a sin.

On an unrelated note, whenever tfm talks about Catholicism, he talks about how it was formed by the Romans to fix Christianity. I agree that having actually consistent doctrine (as found in The Catechism) is A LOT better than using a book full of continuity errors, (AKA The Bible), to determine your morality. (not that I don't believe in the bible, I just think it's poorly written)

Catholicism is SLAVE morality. Progressive christianity is MASTER morality in theory, but HERD morality in practice. Martin Luther said, himself, to "sin, and sin boldly" because he believed that Jesus died for all the sins of the world, and therefore there was no longer any requirement for you to behave in any particular way.

The problem with master morality, however, is the fact that there are more betas than alphas. I met someone who was very alpha, and also a progressive Christian. He had no problem with master morality. But if you're a low guy, you will want to adopt the morality of the herd. With slave morality, you answer to a higher power, so if the herd goes directly against your master's wishes, you must not be swayed.

About the spanish conquest of South America, he talks about how glorious it was that the Catholics raped the women. I'm sure there were some rapes, as wars tend to have their share, but doing so certainly wasn't promoted by the church. I can certainly imagine that after the Spaniards killed so many men, that the native women had nothing else to do, but marry their conquerors, (which is fucked up) but as for the Spaniards outright raping them, that is fully against catholic teaching, and any men who did such things likely weren't too passionate about teaching their children in the faith.

Official catholic teaching is against sins of the flesh, to the point that if you so much as think a lustful THOUGHT you must do everything in your power to stop thinking that thought, or you have to go to confession before next sunday.

Another thing. Tfm claims that no black people in America are pure bloods, because degenerate old timey Christians just loved them some gorilla puss.

I believe the average black person is 30% white, meaning that mixed black people are skewing the AVERAGE. if the average black person is 25% white, that could mean that half of black people were 50/50, and the other half were pure bloods. And wouldn't the slave-fucking compound on itself? Wouldn't there have been mixed race slaves? Mixed race was hardly a thing until recently. Besides, if you had mixed race slaves, or perhaps tried to SELL your mixed slave, that would've been scandalous.

Another thing? Tfm keeps on parroting that the amish are 6% of the population of Pennsylvania. I don't even know how he hasn't realized how mathematically impossible that is. He knows the amish are only 1/1000 of the american population, so he should be able to spot the error IMMEDIATELY. What's worse is that no one, to date, has ever corrected him. I ran the numbers to find out that the amish population is 0.6% of the population of Pennsylvania.

And, despite all of this, tfm is STILL among the only truly coherent political thinkers I've come across. (I like the distributist, but he's pretty bluepilled)

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Turdpool 4 years ago

I looked up gay pride parade, and the 10/1 ratio came from a picture of the Warsaw pride parade. The ratio was not quite 10/1 in the american parades, but my point stands.

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Coeus 4 years ago

2:20:10 But the real question is why was Princess Peach cut from the Sonic the Hedgehog movie! She is an inspiration to girls everywhere, how could the executives making the Sonic movie be so cruel!

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HanLockhart 4 years ago

55:10 Unusually I have to agree with Halsey here. I actually play PC games sometimes and I cannot play them if I cheat. In fact, I usually mod them to be more realistic or to challenge me, almost like a training aid. There is no point in playing a game if you cheat through it.

I don't play a game for the `story` like a small child, which is why I'm into sandbox games that let you make your OWN story. I even think VR will be a good thing since that'll get you physically exercising as you run your game (as long as it's a general stand up, swing arm, game).

I had a friend who all he did was lie down and cheat to the point he was running through the game in circles, nothing could hurt him. He was like a zombie- Absolutely pointless. And the "I don't have time so I cheat !" Is no excuse, Save and come back later when you DO have time. Good video anyway.

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ImLiberated 4 years ago

Except, the game that we all are playing now is called Real Life. You have one life, no respawns, no health bars, no checkpoints. The actions you take are irreversible. So if I have a cheat code, fuck yeah I'm gonna use it. To hell with them cucked principles, which is what killing the right by the way.

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