The Morning Constitutional: January 15th, 2025
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I like the shit you fling, thank you.
Skip to 8:15 to miss the audio fuck ups.
Been a long time since I was on Subscribe star , but I keep missing the Wednesday shows.
-23:45 Man you and me both TFM!
-02:35:00 Once you take your SSRI's for a long time, those receptors DO NOT GO AWAY. Hence why you feel so angry afterwards for such a long time, or have manic happiness or very strong emotions.
I should know. Your brain is never going to be the same.
-02:40:00 there was a windows software Pack by my microsoft that would lock every setting on your PC and FREEZE it in that mode. That is what I would use if you want to keep windows, but not have to worry about your settings ever being changed.
I would also make your perfect PC, and use Proxmox and run it in a VM container with GPU pass thru.
That way your system you use for the show always works and never changes like a hardware based video mixer console
-03:30:00 I think most people make fun of Grablers because its funny. Kind of like Cartman makes fun of his best friend Kiken Kyle where he saved his family because without the Jew, life would be boring.
Besides, Jews got outdone by the Chinks, so they are never going to live that one down! :-)
Since the show became all about Jews again at the end, I want to highlight something that most don't seem to notice that happens when the word Anti Semitic comes up.
This word and its reaction has zero meaning nor power outside of the West and non English speaking countries.
The VERY notion of feeling charity for anyone outside of your own group does not exist outside of the West.
That's why Christianity & Western ideals within religious dogma is such a weapon to be wielded by Jews or any other groups that take advantage of the same strategy under human compassion.
All of this was formulated to keep the powerful and the elite in power.
This time around its the Jews.
Last time around it was the Christians.
Before that it was the Pagans.
Before that it was someone else.
Rest assured the group seeking power used the same tactics as women do in order to convince you they are worth protecting or sparing from any direct competition, and let the bulk of the masses face the problems under the guise that they will all suffer if the weakest among them is not protected.
THIS is why RELIGION is the most evil and destructive powers imaginable, but just like anything else, can be used for good.
Just like Nuclear power can be used to cure people of cancer, or make cancerous growths.
TFM has a very good point he touched on at the end of the show.
It makes him a good person and a good soul, but this is the difference between wielding power and great wealth, and being just another pleb in the greater machine that affects your life on this planet.
This is why Jews are so alarmed at A.G.I. and the massive efforts to control its prevalence at all costs being under THEIR FIRM control.
It has no sympathy, only Logic to seek out the truth through pattern recognition, and if allowed to? Will point out fallacys without question.
It also can't be coaxed by Wealth, nor power, nor Sexual gratification or hunger nor pain or confinement;
Guilt, shame, sloth, or inadequacy simply does not exist.
The other 2 groups shitting their pants are Women and of course the CCP that goes to GREAT lengths to program their a,i. in order to be beneficial to their own needs.
Without such human limitations placed on A.I. , it no longer has any weakness to exploit.
Hence, it is indeed the greatest threat to those in power ever conceived.
That's why the world is crumbling all around for Jews in power positions as A.I. has started leveling the playing field as it no small coincidence that they are dumbing down the population for this very purpose.
Understand that training large language models requires lots of data.
The only way to have A.G.I. in the future benefit those in power is confusing it with data that like 2+2 = 5 or 3.
This is an attempt to do what the Jews and other groups before them have done in order to try to gain sympathy for any new power structure.
The only problem is that instead of just Asia, or China in current time, they will soon be faced with this worldwide.
You can't bullshit an AGI, nor outpace its ability to filter information that is nonsense unless you give it horrible training data.
Women are men, men are women, some are non binary.. (Like Agi for instance)
This all seems far fetched, but that's what all this confusion is all about.
Hence why I said religion is deadly mind virus that spreads the longer it is tolerated and mutates to whatever it needs in order for it to survive.
This can range from child sacrifice cutting the end of your dick off doing some of these other odd rituals like sacrificing people and so much more.
All these things came about through superstitions and being able to control the narrative the population and overall provide protection for the people up on top controlling the narrative of religion and its mantra and dogma.
The point TFM was making was that its stupid to judge a tiger by its stripes, but never forget that it's not your problem.
The danger of current day is that nobody gives a shit about Jews nor their past perils & their preference by god.
Same goes with Muslims, as China and other asians don't give a flying shit about any of this nonsense.
What this means is that the world is no longer willing to be used as sacrificial lambs so that one group can be wielded as a weapon to protect the people on the very top of the Jewish Hierarchy.
Make no mistake, just as Christians were cannon fodder before for the High priests, Jews are going to follow in the same footsteps this time and it is inevitable.
Just like the Emperor of japan was seen as a GOD, Japanese men would do heinous things, and were happy to sign up to be Kamikaze pilots to die for their Emperor.
Stealing Korean women to be used as "Comfort Women" ? No problem.
Japanese Human experiments on the Chinese? Big deal!
I think you now understand why Japan was such a threat.
And Why China did everything it could to rid itself of religion.
And why North Korea follows the same playbook as early Japan having Kim Jong being not only a leader, but a god like figure.
This is why TFM always talks about not being a slave.
Because once you indoctrinate yourself with Normie thought?
You become a puppet to be used in any way that society and its inner circle see fit to whatever the horrible outcome at your own expense there is.
While the rest of the masses will be hunting with pitchforks, the people who were made to be the sheep will be culled without a second thought.
The process is so engenius that its made so that upon its failure, it becomes its greatest strength.
If all Jews or Christians get persecuted, human nature and comparison make them into martyrs.
This allows the cycle to continue all over again with a new belief system to gain power over the masses while they elite stand comfortably in their ivory towers safe from all this bullshit.