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The most DANGEROUS tool is already in your shop-

Published on 07 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Councilof1 10 months ago

Good thing he's probably never heard of 4chan. One guy guy posted a "how to make crystal's" recipe that actually created poison gas and put at least one person in hospital. And apparently it goes downhill from there. I only know these from listening to 4chan green texts on YouTube. I can't imagine hanging out with those idiots.

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Yes.... The amont of copy paste "original articles" by original authors, that are taken from Wikipedia is astounding... And the amount of numbskulls who just "invent shit" out of their head and never seem to put it to the test... and then dispense it as tried, true and tested "Sagely Advice" - It really does pay to do your research and read up on things.... To Cross Reference - to deal with people who know what they are doing, Vs. dealing with people who tell you what they think you should be doing. Etc.

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And there are the amounts of people who pose "mostly clueless" technical questions into forums full of fuckwits........ Some responders are just joking - and others - kind of clueless and half baked and giving half arsed answers... Then there is me. I tell them - "Go and buy the OWNERS manual and the WORKSHOP manual for THAT specific engine... They designed it, They figured out all the settings for it, what tools, and proceedures to use etc... They are the experts - ask THEM.

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