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Published on 04 Jul 2021 / In People & Blogs


Filmed on 04/07/2021 AEST

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KEEPER 4 years ago

you have some valid points about the nature of complaining.
most men don't complain, in fact we have been bred to not complain, and in many ways we have been bred to hold that pain inside to the point that we often go over the edge and kill ourselves because we hold in all that pain and suffering and our complaints.

i think if it helps to vent out the frustration that it's a good thing instead of the latter of holding it in and suicide is on the mind.

the problem with having these thoughts, is they play in your mind like a broken record over and over again and men feel like there is no escape from it other than suicide.
so suicide becomes a man's only salvation to end the madness.

now i'm not saying men should become like women with their feelings, but i personally do think venting is a good thing men need to vent out these thoughts before they end up becoming something much bigger and take them over the edge, and if it's to random ppl on the internet or finding someone to talk to about your problems, than that's fine.

and some men need to do it in a more physical way, like hitting things, and hopefully they don't just aimlessly start random fights with random ppl, although i have seen this happen as well, anger and frustrations can be vented out in an healthy manner, but sometimes the pain is far too deep for a man to use these other healthy methods.

i know this because i have been battling it for years. i have been through the valley of suicide, and i have gotten out, but it still lingers like that damn broken record i talked about in the beginning as it plays over and over again, the only way i have been able to keep it at bay is to distract myself with positive things or my need to learn new things and strive for these new things.

thoughts of suicide are a bitch, but it's natural to fight these thoughts lest they consume you, almost like you end up talking yourself into the deed because it festers in your mind constantly.

i have this passion for building things and i want to build these things so i share my passions with others, and i hope it will not only save myself, but that it will also save others and help keep their minds off of the shit in their lives.

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Duugus 4 years ago

Dreams come from the Lord. Don't know what yours are about, but He is telling you something.

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