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The Most Sadistic and Indiscriminate Terror Attack in World History

Published on 26 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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What will I do with out technology how will I ever get to see MGTOW TV then haha. He himself is using WI FI or internet and a FART PHONE get the point he is making though.

Yeah he makes very good points interesting points they have control over everything however he mentioned one thing I agree on NUKE TEL AVIV and those Death Cult JEW BASTARDS all they do is lie, corrupt and Wage War and destroy peoples lives so they can believe and enjoy their Victim Complex FUCK EM and take em out of power so we can go back to proper functioning life and happiness and serenity on Earth, Strike First and Hard before they do to you that I agree on, However getting all the Sheeple and Lemmings and NPCS to do that for you Yeah Good luck with that is more a Fantasy Most won't break their Creature Comforts or Free Money Shekels the JEWS allow them to Have.

Now If those EVIL JEWS are all taken care off :D that's a lot of Free Real Estate and Land to be taken advantage of before the Russians or CUCK UK GOV Cunts steal it first, if the People take it then it belongs to the people and they should keep it that way and be done with GOVERNMENTS and their Bullshites.

Just some thoughts what you think, I'm with AMR ITS GODS CHOSEN AKA US VS. EVIL JEWS don't think that's going to happen though until the New Zionist President is installed or Coming This Christmas near you WORLDWIDE REVOLUTION 2024 get your weapons and get the EVIL COCK SUCKING FAGGOTT BASTARD JEWS haha \G/

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Very interesting indeed and yeah hard to get away from the FART PHONE because or any smart technological device these days and the animation towards the end is reality Today all the dummies running like lemmings off the cliff for career, high value skill and only whores website and the modern man is a blindfolded stripped of cock and balls and walking into a deep dark hole sounds exactly right.

Haha the animation at the end where it shows the PUSSY leading a Simp on a leash is exactly what HAMMERHAND AND UNDEAD CHRONIC TALK ABOUT WHEN THEY SAY SIMPS ARE THIRSTY PUSSY BEGGERSS haha well worth a look as it's near the 55:30

Thanks Shane Enjoy and GODBLESS \G/

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