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Published on 06 Jul 2021 / In Film & Animation

Think this isn't their goal to kill us off? We are at WAR!!!

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KEEPER 4 years ago  

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thisisamgtowaccount 4 years ago

In my job I've witnessed shipping rates from Asia increase about several times compared to normal. I even so one quote for a 40' shipping container with a price almost 10x the normal when a customer was frantic for space. Some commodity inputs to my company's China factory have increased about 25%. Based on what I've observed, prices will increase because of both scarcity at the retail level and higher prices of materials to manufactures.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

look at tacoma,wa shipping containers we import everything now i was in a high rise months ago in seattle and the ports were pretty barren.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

There is a belief and rightly so that the Suez blockage by EVERGREEN was deliberate to create delay's and to ruffle the sex & gender war because the captain was a women? Many ships were held up and those that did take the longer routes round the Capes for example are now queuing to get into ports world wide. the other consequence of this act is is in some ports there is a massive lack of Containers to ship stuff out in due to the fragmentation of the global transport and shipping system. The one thing you CAN be sure of is there is NO shortage other than a temp one to cause some fear, drama and panic among the Ignorant.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

Teh! we are seing this in the UK as well with store deliveries delayed to cause shortages and disruption. Naturally the Sheeple think they will starve to death, but there are NO shortages, it is all subterfuge and mind fucking all the way. ME I have no fear of this shit, I just keep one step ahead. in the UK on the 19th July every sheep is going to drop their guard with promises of as return to freedom, yet I know that come the autumn the Lock downs WILL be back. I'm going to use the respite not to foolishly celebrate but to stock pile for the winter of even more discontent that is coming for the UK. The dumb CUNT public will believe anything they are told? WIth the WOOL pulled over the sheeps Eye's I will have an endless supply product to allow ME to build up for the Winter unhindered?

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gchase 4 years ago

Sound like a concerted effort to degrade every part of our daily lives.
Treason and sabotage.
Acts of war.

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