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The Nature of Seduction - The Nature of Man | Steve Mayeda | Full Length HD

Published on 05 Sep 2013 / In Film & Animation

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Sex, sexuality, and self-discovery can all happen through interacting with others. Craving social interaction is human nature. Learn to self define what matters most to you! Check out this engaging talk from 21 Convention veteran, Steve Mayeda.

In this video, you’ll learn:

- What it takes to be the best you.
- Why you should consider the female perspective.
- The break down of socialization.

About Steve Mayeda

I started training with gurus in the Pick Up community like Sinn and Captain Jack, I worked with Legends like Future and Shaft. It wasn't long after I started working with this rich crowd that I started taking guys under my wing. I had a background in working with people throughout my past in more of a counseling capacity and I found out how gratifying it could be working with other men and teaching them these skills and taking them on a similar journey.

As soon as I started working with people, I realized that with my background and life experience I actually brought something completely different to the table. I was able to take the ideas, theories and structure of game and customize it to someone's life. Before then game was determined upon actually building up a false façade of value to attract women. I was able to take guys who worked from a wide range of jobs that most people would assume to be unattractive and turn them into empowered men with the women that they wanted in their life.

Since then I have made it my journey to improve people's lives through my teaching. I have surrounded myself with a group of fellow instructors that lend and offer the highest quality of service out there.

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