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The New Generation Of Women Is COOKED

Published on 25 Aug 2024 / In Comedy
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Toki 4 months ago

To the person who said Find God. May I ask why did God curse man with a reproductive system and having to make half the species female and therefore useless and Evil? Maybe Satan gave man the reproductive system curse and created woman I believe. God inspired man to create waifu as a way to counter Satan's curse upon man and avoid the Evil side of humans = women and cucks. Cucks are the most Evil selfish men such as business suit types who need money to get these hoes to sleep with them. A broke man get can women by simply not being a simp. You don't need money but Evil thrives on Earth more than Good. The so-called Good God is slacking big time. Satan already defeated him a long time ago it seems. The fact parents want their sons to join the military but also call themselves Christians is hilarious. NPCs. That's just one example. Satanists everywhere. Money lending and borrowing debt = Evil temptation. Better to live as a poor and remain a Good soul with zero debts. Easy when you avoid women and all their irresponsible spending habits.

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Toki 4 months ago

18 but looks 30 already. Is that blush or she is just drunk? Or does her nose turn red when she lies? Which is 100% of the time she's lying about everything including her age here. 18? I don't think so. Then again real women aged so damn fast with modern Pharma drugs and diet. As well as the makeup. They engineer the makeup to cause skin damage so they buy more makeup to hide the damage. Modern consumer economics and corporate product design. It's like Pharma meds. You consume product that causes more problems so you need to buy more product from same company. NPC economics.

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Toki 4 months ago

Just stop with the piercings. The only piercings I like is nipples and navel. Earring is fine but not as sexy as nipples/navel. Either way she's a hoe if she's a real woman so it doesn't even matter. No vag piercings though. Dear lord that's a deathtrap. The worst piercing of all. Are they piercing their sphincters yet as well? The infections they must get down there with those piercings. The bad part about nipple piercing though is breastfeeding. I'm guessing that's really bad. Babies need real milk not processed soy formula from China. Or the navel piercing may even be a problem for child-carrying. Oh well. At least I have what I desire in Honey Select with nipple and navel piercing accessories that can be toggled on or off at any time.

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