The NSW Police are REVOLTING
Published on 12 Oct 2024 / In
Film & Animation
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Victoria Police - A State Run Terrorist Army --------
DEFECTIVE POLICE CAR: Aussie Cossack Budget Repair (fucking classic) -------
Unlawful Australian "Police" Worldwide Infamy [mirrored] ---------
The police are not your friend….
LOL, the stupidity fallowing the stupidity...
They should go back to using the mentally ill for target practice and fining people $5,000 for being the only person sunning themselves on 10K of deserted beach - cause the fake Masonic plauge might kill granny....
Or what about 10 years gaol for saying the Mass Murdering JEWS, the bullshit blood Clot Death Shots, and thier corrupt traitors to the people of their own nation, are killing off the people of Australia on Facebook?
Hmmm Not forgetting road blocks for vaccine certificates and being more than 5 K from home?
Yeah fuck off.
I hope these low IQ cunts get run over crossing the streets.
"a safer NSW"......hahahahahaha; We all witnessed exactly what 'safety' entails these days....Pepper spraying, Gang Bashing. Baton beatings, Knees to the back and head, Kicks to the face, Headlocks, Handcuffing, Kidnapping and disappeared into a cage without ever having committed a crime...
Too little tooo.late!
Pick a side mother fuckers!
And NOT based on your fucking pension, and retirement!!
Base your decision on our constitutional rights because that's what you SWORE AN OATH TOO mother fuckers
The Virtual Webmaster
Yes they are revolting. The government would not care if 90% resigned
they will just bring in overseas police who are immune from prosecution from even shooting Australians dead
Queensland is leading the way
Aren't they supposed to be constables not "officers"??
an hour ago
Beware of the Flat-Earthers
and what is this silly name, Police Force, is that to go with their Swat Costumes, and excessive control. for The criminals they protect ????????????
Thinning the ranks is the method Australian "governments" will and are using ( SAPOL for example) to get their UN soldiers in place as replacements. To "make up for recruitment being down and not being able to replace those leaving the Forces". Of course these UNers are "skilled migrants" and we all know we need more of them.
See if. I have this correct. They create dumbed down, grub dependant masses who in turn depend on tyrants to "fix" their every need. Then they run psyops on them to bring in non Australian "invaders" to fill the roles that were intentionally created..? Problem...Reaction...Solution. And as an added insult to them A cry for sympathy is heralded. This social sickness is off the scales.
It's about time.
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3 hours ago
What they did Aussies during the Scamdemic.
2 hours ago
Its only on the Murdoch Jew media for their own gains.. They are setting up a narrative for invaders to fill these "much needed, all important community roles" to "keep the community safe"
2 hours ago
SAPOL already has UNers masquerading as cops. The commish. braggs about it ( he leaves out the UN part of course).
Edited 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
The US has done the same thing. Grubernment really cares about community safety. They give invaders a gun, badge & authority over the said community. Keeping us safe is their sole reason they exist....I dont think.