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The Oslo Effect: The Weaponization of Hostages to do Hamas's Dirty Work for It (Melanie Phillips)

Published on 13 Sep 2024 / In News & Politics
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Fake Bullshit..

Jew Propaganda and Lies.

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Sant77 4 days ago

Jewish control is just hoax and a psyop to move public opinion against the United States and its allies. It has a purifying effect to communists, since communists only need to purge jewish on their side and then they become good guys (there is a stalinist revisionism on that line), also transfers the question to western money as the source of everything, represented by jews. Obviously, socialists support socialism, be it national or international. It can only serve as meme, otherwise is useless. I saw some David Duke videos these days, it just confirmed a lot of ideas I had on the subject, particularly with regard to the manipulation of Christianity for political purposes, he constructs a pseudo-Christianity. It's even possible to trace it all back to Martin Luther, the filthy heresiarch,disgrace of humanity, it's really fascinating.

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