Redpill asylum vol 1 - TheRedKnight

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The path of the 32yr virgin...

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Published on 07 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Bagoodman 1 month ago

I can't relate - Is there a lot of dudes that haven't had sex by 30 ? - I was 12 my first time and by 30 lost count of how many chicks I banged - By 30 I had 3 kids and buying a house so what's going on now days?

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TheRedKnight 1 month ago

being a 36yr virgin :D, yes there are more male virgins (sexless) much more than women, there are more male virgins by far than female virgins, also 1/4 women has an STD, :|

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Bagoodman 1 month ago

@TheRedKnight: The World was a different place in the 70s

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TheRedKnight 1 month ago

@Bagoodman: yep, I wasn't born yet XD so it puts guys like me in a position where we cant get nowhere with women, even church women aren't exempt from this D:

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Bagoodman 1 month ago

@TheRedKnight: What's xd ? - And back in the 70s a std was a very small chance maybe crabs but not any std's

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TheRedKnight 1 month ago

@Bagoodman: XD means I'm laughing :) that's all. yeah crabs is like almost non existent now :P

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sauger1001 1 month ago

@Bagoodman: It's funny in a way, but I caught my first STD in '79. Problem is it was from a local Chicago woman, but I never caught one

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sauger1001 1 month ago

@sauger1001: while I was deployed or stationed overseas, though I was more "active" out there.

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