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The police dont care about real crimes, instead, they arrest autistic children for wrong think.

Published on 15 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

The UK Police are terrified of REAL CRIME because they may get hurt in the prossess, rather than being BUTT HURT Lesbian's! lol! If a Cop cant take abuse toward themselves then they should leave the force as they aer useless to it. notice how it's noe called a "FORCE" and not a "SERVICE"! Have as little to do witrh them as I can. they are never their if you need them anyway. Hoe can you trust these idoit's with their hurt feelings these day's? Todays policee rather than protecting the pubic and dealing with crime are turning law abiding people into criminals because they know they can NOW get way with it. Police in their Rainbow coloured TONKA TOY's are rarely seen these day's. I've only seen 4 Cop carews in the last 3 month's but I do live in a pleasant quiet area fortunately. Police,m especially LESBIAN looking one's are about as irrelivant to me these day's as women, and like women I have no intention of making myself known to them or to help them in this Gynocentric matriarchal hell hole of a place.

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