The Pre-Wall To The Post-Wall Lifestyle (Analysis) Fixing The Broken CC Rider
Published on 03 Jun 2024 / In
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How to Spot: #Breakdown #Reaction #reactionvideo
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Ladies, give Santa a break. He can't keep up with all your wish lists.
First clip : She's modern, but needs a traditional man AND young studs. And they all need to accept eyebrows like the Brandenburg gate...
Young, dumb and full of come... yeah, I miss those days: Somehow by the Gods' graces I got out clear and free and childless... diseaseless too I think!?! Unfortunately, I fucked up in my 30s getting a "real job" or the training for one... now, I'm a wage slave I guess...
The first chick looks just like Janice from The Muppet Show.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh God - what a fucking shit head of a woman.
Ugghhhhh the tatts.... and the accent - sort of Aussie / English / Kiwi....
Oh she is fucked.
I can't fucking stand her.....
Thankyou for putting up this terrifically educational video......
But having gotten to 4:00 minutes - I feel like smashing myself in the face with a hammer.
"I am having nightmares, eye bleach, Noooooooooo!"