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The Pretty Woman Movie is a WARNING For Men | The Cinderella Complex For Men

Published on 22 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

In this video, we dive deep into the iconic movie Pretty Woman—a romanticized fairytale for women, but a massive WARNING for men. While many see it as a feel-good Cinderella story, the reality is that it glorifies dangerous illusions about relationships, hypergamy, and the belief that a woman with a troubled past can be "rescued" by a high-status man. Modern Dating is confusing for men and women. Our videos are made for educational purposes.

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0:00 Intro
2:22 You Can’t Make a 304 a Housewife—But in Fairytales, You Can
9:48 The "Cinderella Complex" for Men

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Jaygo 6 months ago

When you compare the legend of Lucifer and his rebellion against the Most High to Modern Female nature and their rebellion. It will completely astonish you how similar they are and it will make perfect sense why Stan/Lucifer almost always use women and operate through them. Which is why the bible says, There's little wickedness to the wickedness of a woman. If women had the abilities and strengths of men. I'm 100% sure Humanity would have ended 1000's of years ago.

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Jaygo 6 months ago

"Free Spirited" person is simple another name for a Nihilist with a Satanic "Do As Thou Wilt" mentality and mindset.

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Paraphrased for clarity:

"Your guaranteed to get laid. I am on an hourly rate. Can we move it along here."

ALL women are on an hourly rate.

You can pay for an hour a month...

Or for every hour of your marriage in the divorce court.

And Julie Roberts - She got old, infertile, lost her purpose in life - and has vanished off the screen and out of the gossip rags....

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

I would disagree. Mentallly ill or traumatized women become hookers and pornstars... if they start innocently say for the money, they become traumatized. Yeah, freespirits: I was one and prefer girls like it. That's probably why I fucked around with (White) witches...

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

Edward did not hurt her: The Truth did, HER TRUTH. Get over it bitch: Here, suck a dick it'll distract you...

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