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Sandman, eh. - SolidSnake33

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The Privleges Of Being A Woman - MGTOW

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Published on 14 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from George and here's what he briefly has to say: "Hey Sandman, thanks for keeping up with the content. As you say, gotta take that daily dose of red pills. Well George thanks again and since you didn't send me a topic I want to read a post I found on reddit called The privileges of being a woman and share my thoughts. I also want to discuss a bunch of out there feminists that condone violence against men and say that women suffered more than men during WW1 even though men were actually the ones fighting in it. I want to explore that further. But before I do here's what someone named No Body In Particular Uk has to say and I quote: "My Sister was living with her ex boyfriend. She decided she wanted to dump him and move into her own place. She approached her local housing council and told them he was abusive to her, so they put her to the top of the priority list for housing and gave her a free flat all paid for (she's on benefits, so its free). However, he was was not abusive, she even admitted that she made it up to jump the housing queue. So, she was given a lovely new ground floor flat, it was like a little cottage.
She got bored of it, so she approached the council again saying he found out where she lived and she was scared of him. So, she was once again given priority and handed another free flat. Of course, he did not know where she was living, she admitted this was also a lie to jump the housing queue. Later, she also got bored of that flat, and once again approached the council saying he had found out the new address again of her new flat, and so once again she was put to the top of the priority list and given another flat. No questions asked, no demand for evidence such as a Police log number. Every time she approached them her word was taken as Gospel and she was immediately rehoused. When I applied for a flat from the council, I was on the waiting list for 4 years and I was offered a dump in a crime ridden area." unquote So there you have it folks female privilege gets you to the front of the line. I'll discuss this in a sec but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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timebandit 4 years ago

Unless they are in Science, Technology, Medicine or Aerospace, most wahmens value is between their legs or what they can fit in their mouths and I ain't talkin' about food. Too many of them have kids with multiple men and then live on child support and government assistance. Their worthless college degrees in gender studies, the "arts" , basket weaving and the like, are a burden on society. Even a great number of wahmen with STEM degrees are misandric feminists that think men should bend over backwards for them and worship their nasty stinking cooch or ass. Most of the time, as men learn quickly and is a common motto among mgtow men, "The juice ain't worth the squeeze". And it'll bankrupt you with a quickness!

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SolidSnake33 4 years ago

Women need male guidance more than ever. Bitches are out of control and are crying out to be disciplined by men.

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Aries_Freeman 5 years ago

Absolutely true ?

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

equality means females will learn how to watch their run-amok mouths ....... MEN wont tolerate the ' crossing the line ' and will hand her front teeth to her............ females are in no way equals to their adult peers ..... MEN. "At best they are petulant 15yr old girls..............

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

DONT ever use someone elses ' advantage ' as to your own dilema .... mgtow tells you to forge your own way ... circumvent the dilema and move forward. Adapting is more important than being superior......... when females are ' assigned ' the DRAFT ..... they MIGHT be listened to, until then TWADDLE is all she spews.

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