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The Problem With the Enlightenment

Published on 26 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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myopinion 5 days ago

........."what can be asserted without evidence https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7Bw....K3ubkrSo/Vimg7ygkyBI ... can also be dismissed without evidence" ..... Put religion, in its proper place. https://www.evolvefish.com/ass....ets/images/Decals/EF ....... The time to believe something, ... is A F T E RRRRRRRRRR , .................................. ......... ....... .... ..... ..... you have evidence for it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals..../e4/df/57/e4df57cd50 ...... This is the trash we get, from religious home schooling. ..................................................................................................................................... .......... ............. .......... .... BUT ... BUT ... My mama says. ....... L O L. ...https://y.yarn.co/fb1259aa-eda....e-4d6a-ac89-e76291c9 ...https://youtu.be/7_OoJEtB48w

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