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The Proteus Files: Subject T.B.E. 82 - Europa Class Entity - Designate: Sammantha Halsey /Blackjack

Published on 17 Aug 2023 / In Entertainment

*Terrestrial Biological Entity (T.B.E.)
These files were procured by British Intelligence on 15 November, 1989. One week after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of The Soviet Union.

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With a slight speed increase, and pitch modification, and the linguistic composition - I know that voice.

Speaking of good screws, I am figuring out how to extract Torx secutiry screws, out of a cooking devices electrical cover plate...

The plate serves both as a cover and as a cable retainer, so it's a bit of a thing to literally crack the cover off, AND then rebond it back into place or

I have hallucinations - I know that I have the Torx security screw driver bits, but where did I put them?

A little rotary grinder with a fine cutting disk - and make it a flat blade screw driver head.

Now to go find that....

P.S. Your buddy the mythical jewish zombie in low earth orbit - what's his name..... You know the guy, talks to the chosen by telepathy.... Yeah well him and his 12 boyfriends like to play hide and seek... Spanner - right next to me - Missing? Cup of coffee on the table - Missing? etc.. all the fucking time.

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