Deeper Things 3 - RedKnight
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Sorry Bro, according to Jesus and The Apostle Paul, the timing of the Rapture certainly did matter. We do don't know the day of the hour but according to Jesus and The Apostle Paul, we can certainly know the time period. Jesus clearly states in Matthew 24.29-31 that The Rapture happens AFTER THE TRIBULATION PERIOD!!! My goodness, Jesus even uses the very words "after the Tribulation"
And Paul blows away The Pre Tribulation Rapture Doctrine in 2 Thessalonians 2.1-12. Paul says that The Rapture WILL NOT HAPPEN before The Abomination of Desolation happens. All Christians agree that the Abomination of Desolation happens halfway INTO The 7 year Tribulation Period. Therefore, a Pre Tribulation Rapture CANNOT happen!!!
Please do not speak in Tongues without someone to interpret it. God's Word expressly forbids that.
Please turn off the gay music. Thanks.
Millions of Christians will fail away from the Faith when The Tribulation Period starts because they will suddenly realize that they believed a False Doctrine and haven't prepared themselves for the horrible times/persecution that they will have to endure. SMH.
For a good Book on the Post Tribulation Rapture Doctrine please read "The Rapture Verdict" by Michael Snyder.
Please check out the Website
Another good Book is "Not Afraid Of The Antichrist" by Dr. Michael Brown.