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The Real Divorce Rate in America.Not What You Think. MGTOW

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Published on 10 Nov 2023 / In News & Politics

Lies, lies, and more lies have been told about the divorce rate in America. "OH, the divorce rate is 50% a year, so I got a 50-50 chance of making it a go" No way, no how. The reality is not nearly as black and white as this heavily understood, and misrepresented number has led you to believe, nor is it even as rosy as 50% chance of failure, which is horrible.

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Toki 1 year ago

Nice thumbnail. Your average wedding photo. The woman is all self-absorbed and soaking up attention despite being a non-maiden worthy of marriage. Or you can be with waifu and smile in your wedding photo. No worries about the Gov, police, debts, polyamory, children with no future, and society will never respect you anyways. Might as well troll them!

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