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The Reason why Men are Walking Away from Dating Modern Women Ep 433

Published on 03 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation
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mrghoster 5 months ago

I'm a "Strong Independent MAN"," I don't need NO women" - DRIZZLE DRIZZLE! LOL! MEN have and ARE walking because it's all over for WOMEN, we are rebuilding now and it don't include some PANDOA who will fuck your life up for sure! lol!

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mrghoster 5 months ago

Women are now DELUSIONAL. an old saying (obviously created by a fefail) says" Little girls are born 5 years old! lol! This is to slight of boy's who DO take longer to develope by nature that's a fact, BUT the truth is ther mental age of the fefail stall's at about 5 years old, they grow tities and an ass but their smaller less intelligent brain doesn't. Boys develope slower mentally, most of us remember the shit we did as teen's LOL! but the MALE brain needs time to grew to learn how to create, innovate and grow responsibly into MANHOOD. eg Plaaying with a toy Fire truck when you are 8 years old could mean then you are 18 or 28 you will be saving lives by either driving or becoming a Fireman. From the age of about 2 so I'm told I was making and drawing stuff in a basic way through PLAY. At my age now I can and DO fix and build just about anything and everything, it's second nature because when I was a child I cut up and glues then painted cardboard and paper and stuff. NOW I do all my own vehicle maintenance thus saving a fucking fortune in repair or service cost's, yet most women cant even find the oil filler on a car or put the oil where the water goes. Most pathetic women cant even change out a flat. what want you younger guys to do is go to my channel of this same name and find and watch 2Ester Villars book (in English) "THE MANIPULATED MAN" it is explained who she was and she is one of my FEW female hero's, it's a few pages back in my channel but you guy's will get a great positive fix out of it. Peace guy's

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Oh man... how could you forget the dumbass bitch who added cooking oil to her uhm oil dipstick telling men to shut up... then her car seized up.

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mrghoster 5 months ago

Women just don't get it do they? Everything is a DRAMA, it has to be an ISSUE of some type? They are clueless about MEN and our need's which are much simpler and not as SEX orintated as women think. MEN are simple creatures and I don't mean that in a negative way. A MAN can live comfortably on little is he needs to because we create and innovate our own way through life. But women don't look at MEN as MEN, they look at ALL MALES as a dumb CHAD or TYRONE that will spend money on her and then fuck her, so they think ALL MEN are like that? The truth is MEN are more Cerebral than that than physical. MEN by nature like to fix, protect, we have Empathy (something women know nothing about by the way)? We are oir can be affectionate, caring and blah blah blah! But women have turned all the MALE or dare I say MASCULINE TRAITS into something TOXIC, all the afore mentioned have been suppressed and ridiculed and destroyed by women. So what's a Guy to do? Well go better yourselve's guy's fuck women. What women do is whatr's called "PROJECTION" This is in fact a Psychopathic trait. Women will PROJECT their failings onto MEN because they cannot face up to those failuings. This is what ALL this SHIT is about. Women being the WEAKER and dumber, stupid sex (and they are)! just cannot do MEN right, because they don't understand us, feminism has poisoned them to a point of no return so the MALE the MAN, the CREATOR'S and innovator's have walked because they naturally just cannot any longer do what nature intended. NO guy should beat himself up about any failure with a women. Women are DESTROYER'S they cant create anything other than CHAO's because we KNOW this fact because feminism unleashed them and we see the result's as we now live in a Western Gynocracy, a Matriarchy that doesn't care about anything but itself. It is destroying MEN, women destroyed pair bonding in the early stages of all this, children suffer because of WOMEN and gynocracy. Now women are finding themselves penniless even the Economies of the West that used women more than any imaginary Patriarchy ever had (if ever), has seen women waste hundreds of billions on CRAP instead of like MEN (well me anyways) saved and put into pensions for my retirement that I now have. I'm comfortable, NOT rich but I have money to burn at the end of the month, no debt a nice or at least reasonable smalll home. because I planned this in my 20's, I'm in my late 60's now, healthy, fit got all my marble's and time to do WTF I like when I like, BUT I earned that with my own self worth, something women just do NOT have if they ever did that is. I didn't save to be screwed over by some worthless CUNT, better yourself guy's abandon women and start to LIVE for yourself. That is what REALLY Manning up is about, it'sNOT pleasing women because they insult you. Peace.

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mrghoster 5 months ago

That women at the beginning say's "You can NEVER" win witgh a women, TRUE that's why I don't even bother anymore. One of the things I did some years ago with women was I would set aside money for the weekend, be it for drinking with buddies or for DATING. what with MGTOW and Red Pill and feminism outing these slut's for what they are, I STILL save that money (more in fact), but NOT for dating. I spoend it on ME, every couple of years I buy a new motorcycle or computer or something of use to ME. I have money both to save and to occasionally treat myself to something, an event, concert or a day out , On my own without interference from a fefail at all. I no longer even look at them as they are all the same. I guess if I went to a near City I wouldn't know if I was in a straight place or a Red Light district, they all dress like hoe's EVERYWHERE now. NAH! women are gone from my mindset and life forever. They don't listen to the warning signs, they are stupid, rude and Ignorant these day's and not worth the trouble, because they would ruin my ability to THREIVE as a MAN which I am. Peace Bro's

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Yeah... all the whores wear their hoe uniform...

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GenerationLESS 5 months ago

10:10...First words that came to my mind was, "How about a little fire Scarecrow??!!"

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

So... you want to... oh scare crow... I was thinking you were going to vook a crow like a dove or turkey on a spit... I'd be a scared crow too...Lol! What's the harm with a little fire?

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GenerationLESS 5 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Throw water on her, she'd melt.

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