The Red Pill Vs The Black Pill - MGTOW
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I finally used subscrbestar and it worked! My video request is regarding the generational gap between Black and Red pill communities of the manosphere. Cheers." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. As I've said before the men's rights movement gave way to MGTOW and MGTOW has now given way to a growing black pilled community. The MRAs were purple pilled, the MGTOWs are red pilled and the incels are black pilled. Those are all three generations that have had different experiences with women. I'd say the men over 55 I'd consider as the men's rights movement. Men that born in 1970 and earlier. They went through their teens and twenties in the mid eighties and nineties. Generally the MGTOWs would be mostly guys born between 1971 and 1985. Most of us enjoyed dating in the 2000s before the rise in social media. I don't really know the exact age range but I'd say that things change around every 15-20 years. Most red pillers got a chance to date and get burned emotionally and financially and we went through the red pill rage but the men in black pill land from say 2006 with the rise in social media and then the Tinder in 2013 have become black pilled because women's hypergamy and demands have gotten out of control. Especially since most women are now better educated than men.
Stardusk the Thinking Ape believes that the changes from one generation to the next are happening faster and faster thanks to technology changing the dating dynamics. I'll discuss more in a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide To Retiring on 200K in Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to the crappy dating environment caused by Tinder and social media clown world show. A while back I did a talk with Face and LMS and Incelmatics called the rise of Incel and decline of MGTOW. I have accepted the reality of dating out there and how terrible it is and I was appalled and left the market entirely in 2016. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to stay jiggy with it, yes I know that dates me but I also don't want to be known as that old man that yells at thots. I acknowledge that younger guys are learning about female nature at a lot lower age these days and I'd like to think that I've had a part in that. But many of the younger guys are either completely apathetic and have given up on relationships and dating because the green pussy juice is no longer worth the sqeeze. Or because women think that such men are not worthy of them getting down on their knees. Back around 2013 and 2014 I learned about true forced loneliness which was the black pilled incel community back then. There were a lot of angry guys out there that didn't have girlfriends and were venting their frustration on YouTube. But most of them weren't focused on improving their appearance or travelling abroad to find hot broads. Instead they were angry and seemed to think that the world owed them a woman and that they didn't have to change to get one. This evolved into the Black Pilled Incel community where guys like Face and LMS teach you how to looks max or improve your appearance through plastic surgery so you too can crack open a cooch. The black pilled community embraced the suck and started figuring out ways to compete with the Chads out there. I don't have a problem with the younger guys taking the black pill and then working on themselves because if and when they get access to women and gain some experience everything they've learned about female nature will eventually, hopefully kick in and they will realize they worked on themselves for nothing and that the women they got chin and butt cheek implants are too cheeky for them and that they should then go their own way. Of course a huge portion of that camel toe deprived black pill population will still stay that way and not change. So the black pill and the red pill can happily co-exist.
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I thought the red pill is about knowing female nature and the black pill is about knowing society's nature.
Women are NOT better educated than men.
They're better INDOCTRINATED.
Nah. You may have had that one decent time with Incelmatics, but that's only coz' you willed yourself to look real hard past the bullshit.
Nevermind the shit they say about MGTOW, coz' I'd expect nothing less from company-loving misery.
They make so many cases for women and society, you'd be forgiven to think black-pill's just another shade of blue.
Im all for black pill looksmaxing. But thats it. Everything else is completely poison and toxic for men. All the comparisons to “chad” (which to me has always been cringey to say but ive accepted it) and all the depressing comments from them. “your never gonna get a girl” “your gonna die alone” (which to a mgtow is a dream come true lol). Just stay away from that line of thinking. Its just bad news.
recommended: Black & Red Pill Philosophy aka B.R.P