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The religious cult which I grew up in.

Published on 18 Jan 2020 / In Film & Animation

So I was once raised Mormon and my life totally sucked there because of a lot of things including the unfair even oppressively corrupt gynocentric teachings that only favor the higher status males and oppressed the so-called lesser status males like me within the church, The people there including those condescending zealots and especially the youth who treated me like shit and acted like I was inferior that I didn’t matter to them because I was different which I thought they were my friends when in reality they turned out to be phony. Like I’ve always been treated like a pariah or the black sheep in this horrible LDS cult. Those zealots shat all over me even more when I went MGTOW and so that’s also why I left the Church for good since I’m done with their shit...
For any of you fellow MGTOW who are also Ex-Mormon would fully understand and could also help to shed some light on this gynocentric cult. I’ll probably make another video explaining this oppressive cult.

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Hagbard138 5 years ago

The dirty little secret with the LDS Church, is that its historical roots are 1/2 Freemasonry and 1/2 British Israelism (an embryonic form of Christian Identity). After the church changed their rules about blacks holding the priesthood, much of the British Israelism has been pushed aside.

Also, spot on about Mark Driscoll. He is the perfect example of a religious leader that attempts to shame men. Guess what? It isn't working anymore. Churches be they Protestant, Catholic, or Mormon are hemorrhaging men--because they offer men nothing.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

Those are also the reasons why I left that corrupt church, it was a horrible place in many ways for all types of disadvantage men including the mentally disabled, The socially awkward, Even for Incels and Braincels; For a great example the corrupt LDS Church creates Incels which I have sympathy for them since I was in their shoes once when I was a TFLer once. Not only the Mormon creates Incels but they force Incels to not be Incels at the same time + Any disadvantaged man are expected to obedient utilities/Captain SaveAHoes while those hypocritical Mormon Thots can get away almost anything and use their Mormon PussyCard to their disposal. And after riding the LDS Cock-Carousel.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

After trying to find a lower Staus Beta-Mormon as a cuck. To knock up with Chad’s kids.Ill make a video explaining more of this.

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Hagbard138 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: I visited a Mormon Ward twice in my life. Once out of curiosity, and once after being invited. It seems that there is a definite pecking order witin the organization. One thing I also noticed, was the church has tried to distance itself from its more "edgy" Right Wing types. Keep in mind, Ezra Taft Benson's son was a big wig in the John Birch Society. It seemed to me that a select few get the good pussy, and the lower men get left over divorced women.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

@Hagbard138: What also got on my nerves when it comes to the LDS Church and gynocentrism is the Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson who’s lied and misconstrued facts and evidence during the general conference back in 2018 saying that most relationships aren’t bad that most marriages do not end in divorce and including everything we know to be true is false as to what she says. So in a nutshell the Mormon church is trying to maintain their gynocentric narrative by lying to millions of Mormon men about the truth just to purposefully mislead them down a very bad path to years of all sorts abuse, usery and injustice including like what Hammerhand says Child-extortion and alimony... Just so that the Church can enrich themselves through this gynocentric dystopian system; which that sickens me to my core. That also explains why the entire majority of Ex-Mormons are mostly men.

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Hagbard138 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: Mormonism in general has to present itself as being perfect. Also, as I am sure you are aware there is a two-tiered justice system within the church. If a married woman cheats on her husband, all is forgiven. If a man looks at porn, he is facing ex-communication. The church will encourage the wife to leave her husband, and of course get a new more righteous Mormon man.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

@Hagbard138: “Wait What” “Are you serious they’re now doing that now, WTF; Now I’m outraged and that not only gives me more reason to hate the church, But it makes me more grateful that I left in the first place... So can you show me the concrete proof that they are doing that; Just so that I’ll make a video about that. Thank for letting me know because I never heard that before.

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Hagbard138 5 years ago

@Shadow Monk: I don't have concrete proof, but only a story from a friend of mine. There was a man I knew originally from Idaho, who relocated to the Midwest. His brother was a successful Engineer, who traveled for work. This Engineer left his laptop at home, and his wife downloaded porn. She reported it to the Bishop, and he faced church discipline. He provided dates and an alibi, but the Bishop wasn't hearing it. Wifey was able to get a divorce, and one month later got married. Meanwhile, this Engineer was destroyed by the divorce.

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