The Rise Of AI fefails
I personally think all this A! stuff is a pipe dream when it "CUMS" to sexbot's or AI partner's. also this type of RelationSHIT or interact WILL actually "CUM" via the very TECH that suppresses us MEN right now. After all Whats wrong with a dirty Mag and a WANK? lol! it's sheaper and get's that natural anxst out of the way quickly so you can get on with living. I suspect "AI" will turm]n out to be as high maintainance as a meaty suit hoe? Spend you money guys on a good stereo or a muscle car or Harley or something that will give you unconditional happimess, I mean if the charger breaks or you mislay it what fucking good is a pile of plastic and TITanium in the form of pussy going to be, but a pilr of overpriced junk! lol! Yep I know that a relationSHIT with a meat suit is a waste of time and money, but why does a replacement for the lack oif a stupid piece of CUNT have to look look like one/ that to me makes MEN seem desperate to the extreme! lol!
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At 6:55...I disagree. Women DO NOT need to have a voice in development of A.I. girlfriends, robots, etc. We've heard enough of women's voicing their opinions. They are dis-missed!
Sounds good to me! A cunt that won't argue...wouldn't that be something!