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The running of this country has precious little to do with we, the people, Neil Oliver says

Published on 10 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Some of the best views and comments Neil Oliver has made to date, but then the TRUTH is alway's poiniant isn't it? there is some seroius unrest coming, well in the past it may have been, but the pussified and frightened selfish Brit is more interested in selfies and where their next smartphone is coming from. I'm old School and if society calls me to arm's (be it disarmed before it starts)! I have a mouth and mind just as sharp as any Saber. I'm at a point where their is nothing left to lose, sowhy the fuck should I give a shit about environment, gender politic's and all the other SHITE when I as a White ENGLISH MALE are not included in any of this? I'm so used to the solitary life I don't need any of it anyway. Like many I've been overly EXCLUDED to a point where I don't even fear dying anymore infact I'll live my days for as long as nature allows just to see the SHTF and I will diewith NO FEAR of beyond and certainly no fear or regret's about this life. Peace Brother's.

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