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The sad end to a pathetic campaign

Published on 23 Oct 2024 / In News & Politics

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KEEPER 4 months ago  

i find it so funny that kamala uses the hitler talking point when every day on this site at least call trump out for being in favor of the jews, when you not only see him praying to the jew stuff, like there is some wall with names on it or something, idk, i'm not that observant to understand what jew stuff that is, but i know his son is married to a jew, but he's just respectful of them, i don't always see the same connections as some folks do with these things.

but i just find it funny she brings up the jews and hitler when you see the opposite information when he respects the jews and is called out for being a jew supporter, but then you learn he's also a follower of Christ as well, so now he's a Christian lover and we accuse him of this, like i swear nothing is as black and white as ppl always project it is with everything.

i think trump is more of a pleaser of ppl, he just panders to the side he wants to see good results come from, i mean i still remember an old thing he talked about from when he was watching some news from one of the main stream media and he commented about it, and after he verbatim stated what the media said he was blasted for it, like they were trying to tell him he was wrong when he said exactly what their bullshit news station said the night before, like that's what i see a lot of the time.

like i see ppl make up in their minds what trump is or isn't based on some thing they saw but don't have a full knowledge of to talk on that subject, but they deem themselves experts on that issue when later down the road they were wrong, but they never own up to it later either.

so i can't agree with some of you guys some of the time, but at times it feels like we grasp at straws and pretend we have a full knowledge on things when we have only scratched the surface of that information.

maybe you guys are right, but maybe you are wrong, i'm willing to admit when i'm wrong about something, because i don't have a perfect knowledge of things, some times i think i do, but that's simply not the truth, some things are far more nuanced or hard to know the full truth of any given situation, so it's hard to discern what is the definitive truth and what isn't definitive truth.

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: i want to find this book on Amazon !

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago
Leader_Desslok 4 months ago
KEEPER 4 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: lol i love this meme.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: what i meant in my orignional comment is some folks on this site view trump as the antichrist, like the literal "anti Christ" because of his connections with the jews., and in my opinion i just don't think the anti Christ will be this literal, however i could be wrong, the bible warns during the last days that there will be many false Christ's and the ppl will fall for it, now i don't view as Christ in any way, i just view him as someone who wants to improve life for every American and his policies speak this to me, but not only that, his demeanor also speaks this to me, i don't think he's perfect, but i don't view him as this great evil that everyone wants him to be, but again i could be wrong because i really don't have a full picture of things.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

but nobody has a full picture of things, and that's my whole point.

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago

@KEEPER: well if the people with TDS would only stop for a moment and consider the fact that Kamala Harris husband is jewish . talk about " a connection to the jews ". however Kamala Harris is not being accused of being the " antichrist . also if the really studied the apocryphal scriptures , they mention no connection to any one specific religious or political or racial group . ( in regards to the antichrist .)

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Leader_Desslok 4 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: we are dealing with a generation or two or three , that have a severe case of " stunted emotional development". it has somehow gotten into the gestalt of the last two genetartions . the current zeitgeist seems to be about 10 years old emotionally .

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: well the website owner is very very against trump and he often does videos on this subject, the weird thing is he calls himself a jew, he was a Egyptian Muslim in the first half of his life, but now he calls himself a jew, but he says he's not one of the bad jews and he goes to explain these things, to me idk, there is way to much i just don't know about but maybe it is just TDS i truly don't know, i have seen many clips calling out the bad jews or the ppl connected to the bad jews, i don't always see what they see, some have even claimed that Trump uses signage that has to do with the illuminate and they say the same about Elon Musk, and i have no idea, ppl have shown these videos and i watched them but i didn't see what they saw, am i just blind or are they gaslighting me? one of my favorite ppl to talk with on this site goes by the name of Dokk or doggk, something like that, it's been a while since i talked with him, he tried to show one of these videos to me about Elon wearing some white suite jacket that had a illuminati sinage on it, and i watched the video but i could not see the sinage on his suite, it was simply too blurry to see, so like i have no clue what he's on about. him and i do talk about all kinds of stuff, he appears to be a good guy from my knowledge, he appears to be religious but idk what religion, i think he's psalmist, but i'm not sure, there was another dude i used to chat with who lived in turkey and his belief system was similar to my Christian upbringing and i thought he was an ok dude, i mean he's still a good guy, but he was Muslim and his religion is Islam, so i can't claim he's a bad guy because i saw nothing like that from our talking about this kind of stuff, i actually liked and respected him, he had a difficult time with learning English and i tried to help him understand stuff.

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KEEPER 4 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: now AMR is not a leftist dipshit from what i can tell, so he's no libtard, but he does have some TDS in him, he's more of a well it's hard to say because it's hard to pin point him and his values, obviously he values free speech that's why this site exists and i commend him for this and respect him for it, but he kind of leans on some lefty stuff, but also some right wing stuff, i would say he's in the middle somewhere, but idk, it's thought to tell. for myself i would say i'm more right leaning, but i don't feel like i fit in the alt right per say, i talk about some religious stuff but i'm not even fully a religious person, i just was raised that way, these days i don't even go to church, but like i'm not fully against religion either because i find some things from that ideology good, maybe some things i might disagree with, but ultimately i feel church is a good thing as a hole, i grew up Mormon, i was taught to believe in Jesus Christ and his fathers plan, now every religion has their own understanding of this, the mormons believe this, but other Christian churches believe it in another way, i can't say what is definitive or not, because i really have no clue, i don't receive any divine words from god, and i never have and may never will no matter how many times i have prayed, but i want to believe that this life isn't worthless, because i have had some moments of my life when i felt like god wasn't there, i still have no clue, i don't know the secrets to contacting him, i read the KJV bible like other Christians and every religion claims they have this divine knowledge, now i don't want to call them liars, but i'm a realist, i don't view things like other ppl do on this concept, i'm not even sure other churches receive divine anything, i just know ppl say they do, but have i personally? no, not once at all in my life have i felt anything that gave me definitive proof of anything, but i do want to believe in god and the scriptures.

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Yeah Bro it's all good There are many Videos on different Channels showing TRUMP IS FRAUD AND CALLED HIM OUT AS FREEMASON ZIONIST JEW SHEKEL COCKSUCKER, CHANNELS MAN INSIDE, SHANE T HANSON, OSMOSIS, TOP DOLLAR BLACK PILL GANGSTER AND FEW OTHERS THAT I CANT REMEMBER DID SO OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD AT LEAST 10 CHANNELS, Yeah I don't agree with everything and each to their own, EITHER TRUMP OR KUM SWALLOWER will be installed by JEWS 4 JEWMERICA if you think otherwise cool at least tell me why however all the evidence I have seen SINCE his Fake SHOOTING In the Ear and everything I couldn't care less, I'm more focused on what they want to do with ANIME WAIFUS AND VIDEO GAMES and if they gonna Ban it using the BULLSHITE EXCUSE "FOR THE CHILDREN" Fuck em

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We can all agree to disagree just not those HOLIER THAN THOU Religious TRADKUCK FUCKS in all religions that Can't see what's really going on and they SIMP like crazy and then Wonder why Nobody will help them when the Collapse goes Full steam Ahead and swallow them up. RELIGION AND POLITICS it's all a shiteshow and Business always has been always will be however ANIME WAIFUS AND REAL TOXIC MEN are winning this SPIRITUAL HOLY WAR and making them Suffer which is what they wanted to do to us and they getting taste of their own medicine and Fuck em they deserve it those Cunts. Like I said we don't agree on everything and same with AMR, HAMMERHAND and so on We have more in Common than Not and we all have different views and opinions just that mines are right 1000% of the time and I'm always Right JK Haha it's all good to disagree now and again and not be holier than thou or my way is the right and only way and not live fantasy land of hate and be realistic and sometimes throw realism to the wind and let loose every now and again blow off some steam \G/

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sbseed 4 months ago

the guys who supposedly talked about this, said this never happened...
but the jew media will run with this bullshit anyways because orange man bad...

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