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The same government that programmed you into believing that talking animals exist is the same govern

Published on 23 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

⁣My MGTOW/RedPill/SYSBM Family: The same government that programmed you into believing that talking animals exist...
#feminist #feminists #bishop #pastor #preacher #LumpkinGeorgia #RWSchambach #MauriceLovellWilson #TheMasterofBluePillDisaster #MGTOW #RedPill #SYSBM
Guys, I was homeless believing that she loved me; Here's the proof:
DON'T let it happen to you!
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The T-shirts I wear are $25/$32. Check more of the racy attire out at https://racyshirtsbymaurice.wordpress.com.
P.S. Last but not least: check out the first chapter of my upcoming book, "A Juicy Tale" @ https://ajuicytale.wordpress.com/. If you dig the first chapter, buy my other three ebooks, "It's All Good", "Juicy", and "Juicy: The Caged-in Animal" for $25. I can be reached by clicking on the icons at the top of the website.

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Hammerhead69 4 years ago

Farmers plowed crops under and poured milk out on the ground because prices weren't high enough then came Gov. Subsidies.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

People starved to death during the great depression.. then we had plenty of muny for wwII all that we needed.. and more.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

There should be mass deportations until all Americans are doing much better.. and even then.. why do we need foreigners? WE DON'T! We don't need anything foreign..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

yea, they don't want people figuring things out because then we will all know the problems and solutions.. then the question becomes why isn't it being fixed.. this crap about the national debt for one people blindly believe what they are told.. hell, they got billions per year for israel just to name one.. Hundreds of millions for the Ukraine IF they take care of Hunter Biden.. CROOKS! There is truth and reality.. but most people are conditioned to not see it.. So christianity tells you to only go through jesus to get to God.. well, they also tell you jesus was a man.. so people put jesus before God.. yea, the literal human sacrifice on top.. it's just unbelievable..

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