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The scariest thing about EV batteries - it's not fire - MGUY Australia

Published on 05 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

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usr6874038614 12 months ago

Wow, quite a risk indeed. More risky even than an LPG fuel tank; LPG cars are forbidden in parking buildings and underground parkings, so the same should apply to EVs.

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Leader_Desslok 12 months ago

Shane , once again you have exposed the globalists for the uneducated and scientifically witless conformist follower lemmings that they really are . the intellectual disability they suffer from will be the end if us all ! keep up the good work mate !

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Well I like knowing the subject and I like being right - technically correct.... You know "Oh the red wire is supposed to go here and the black wire there.... Ohhhhhh I just fucked it up and destroyed $5000 worth of amplifier... Maybe next time I will read the instructions, practice doing a few dry runs, test the polarity with the continuity tester and make sure it's absolutely correct - and then POWER it up....". Being right is Being Clever, where as I THOUGHT it was the right way to do it.. is actually pretty dumb and liable to get you killed, injured and or fuck things up badly..."..... So there are staggering amounts of very clever people who work on making fucking sure they are right, and it pays to pay close attention to them, because surprise surprise, there are so many really clever people who know so much about so many things, to far greater degrees than I ever will.... Like this case in point - I have so much to take care of... I would have never even thought about the flammable solvents in the batteries - boiling out and making a HUGE cloud, and then possibly "going bang" as a deflagration type explosion, and the two layer clouds - one of flammable gasses and the toxic (or toxic-er) poison gas clouds....... I was unthining and totally lacking in any ideas about that aspect of these batteries blowing up.... I just thought they went "Pop - Fizzzz - explosions and flames and fire balls...." - with a very short escape from the car time... Like smoke the tyres at 100Kmh to a stop and have the seat belt undone and the doors open while your still skidding and out and run... That is fucking it... There are so many more people who know so much more than what I do, about so many other things.... BUT if you want to piss off Tesla owners, don't call them EV's.... call them RBC's or Rechargable Battery Cars... Why? Because it just fucking grates.... That's why.

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Yes and these batteries ARE fucking nightmare fuel...... Fuck That... This techno bullshit has just gone too far.

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I don't know how familiar you are with combustion and explosions, but gas leaks inside buildings like houses etc., only worth within the minium and maximum flamability limits of that vapour / gas - which can vary tremendously - but the average peak pressure inside the building is around 3 PSI or 20 Kpa cm 2... and most people do not know this, AND lets assume that the internal walls of the room / garage are say 20' x 20' by 9' high x 4 walls + 20' x 20' ceilings and floors (x2) x 12 x 3 psi = about 370,000 pounds of pressure exerted over the internal area of the room, which is why the houses that get a gas leak and a decent mixture of fuel gas to air before exploding - are just reduced to splinters... Just go "browser - Images - "gas leak explosion" and see what turns up... This is why people are shit frightened of the RBC (Rechargable Battery Car) vapour explosions... AND if each kilowatt of battery power can release up to 6 cubic meters of flammable vapour - at say a decently enough fuel to air ratio of 10% meaning that 6 cubic meters of fuel gas, added to 54 cubic meters of air - and way more fuel vapour from a HUGE car battery - that is a fucking hell of an explosion... These things must not be allowed to even be kept inside a building...

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There was a few mistakes and typos in that... not correcting it..

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