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The Secret To Fixing Shoulder Pain?

Published on 26 Sep 2023 / In People & Blogs

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 1 year ago  

There's something not mentioned here.
Massage. Many moons ago, no one could touch my neck/shoulder area. Whenever the therapist would touch me... the pain was so severe I thought of punching that face. In a couple months the pain went away and it was pleasant to have someone massaging that area.
Muscle alignment is the first step.

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Facts. Well Said, I upload things I think will get brothers talking and sharing knowledge and wisdom not just women this and corruption or black pill that, something that can help and relax and enjoy thank you for that advice, I agree and disagree I know some people with shoulder pain who have done it all and were born with different structural or tendons or ligaments builds and so on and the best they could do was minimize the pain by eating better and getting treatments by drugs or natural herbals either way they still had shoulder pain just reduced it some form doing everything under the sun and muscle alignment may help some and not others. Thank you for your wisdom though appreciate it greatly Godbless \G/

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