The sex doll industry is Booming from 2021 to 2026
Published on 27 Apr 2021 / In
Film & Animation
sex dolls industry is booming
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Women drive men away, so ill bet they will Fight to have these dolls taken away.
I am all hot and bothered and i just took a shower.....
I'd like to have one with huge TITS as my personal assistant in assorted business meetings.
Fuck this AI is one of those things that if a fefail at a date I would go to the crapper and crawl out the window and "RUN"! lol! On a more serious note regarding sex doll's? If a guy goes to buy a Classic Car, he is going to look under the hood regardless of how immaculate the bodywork is. so the sex doll would remove the need to look under the hood. with fefails it is usually (Under the hood) where the mind fuck problems are! lol!
The fefail has not comprehended this and this is why they don't like MEN having sex dolls and they Scream out you are objectifying us? nope you are objectifying a toy or object that happens to look like the FAILED fefail. One of the biggest problems for women today isn't sex doll's it's the FACT that their inner Hatred and low self opinion of themselves is now starting to show on the surface, what with Land whales and all that fucking fat pride and multi color hair their ugliness from within is NOW showing out! lol!
I personally don't feel I need a sex doll but if guy's want one that's fine? nobody is ranting about the fefail vibrator or other toys they have for their satisfaction?
when's the I.P.O.?